Herdnan- Chapter Four

Disclaimer: This has a coming out theme to it. So, if you are in any way offended by homosexuality, then this chapter, and probably more after this will not be suggested reading material for you. Story starts after first dash line if you don't...

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Herdnan- Chapter Three

The loud beeping of the alarm clock pierced in his ears. Shortly following that was the pain in his tail. He reached behind and grabbed his bushy tail and pulled it out from under him. In a groggy state, he started smacking his bedside table to...

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Herdnan- Chapter Two

This is a continuation of Chapter One "Such beauties. You really are the master at your craft." He said examining one of the flawless gold bars under the lamp light. Cymaenie had gone to his source for fencing stolen goods: an eccentric coyote...

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Herdnan- Chapter One

Shadow cast itself across the city, casting the fire escape on the backside of the old apartment building in blackness. Going up the fire escape, taking two stairs at a time was Cymaenie. He was an athletically built raccoon standing at six foot two....

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Bond of Brothers 5

Here is is at long last.... the much wanted and asked for continuation and conclusion of Bond of Brothers. It's taken me quite a bit of time and a horrible stint of writers block to finally come up with where the story would continue. I decided that...

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Get Blown or Die Tryin'

This was a free commission that was proposed to me that I rather liked the idea of. Certainly something that I've never written about before needless to say. Short story commission for Derecho:...

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Lightning's Surprise Change

-Part 1- Lightning came to slowly, a slight grogginess in his head. He blinked a few times to regain his consciousness, and looked around. His head hurt a little and he was trying to determine why. His paw tried to reach to rub his head, but he...

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