Kory and the Bestial Act

**Kory and the Bestial Act** _2013 Gren Drake_ Hours passed as they walked, the sun continuing its journey across the sky to disappear behind the trees. They didn't talk during this time; the memory of how it felt when his horns cut into Rupert's...

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Kory and the Rogue Mage

**Kory and the Rogue Mage** _2013 Gren Drake_ He blinked, consciousness returning. There was a stable around him, one in rather poor condition. The walls were warped and light shone through the gaps between the boards. The roof had even larger gaps,...

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Sample Collection

**Sample Collection** _Gren Drake, 2013_ Aaron was leaning against one of the sparse trees that grew alongside the Aerial Corp facility. The grassy ground-cover continued for a couple of dozen feet in front of him before giving way to the side of...

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Kory and the Monkish Order

**Kory and the Monkish Order** _2014, Gren Drake_ The small camp was an unexpected, though welcome, sight; Kory had hardly expected to see a bustling camp so far from populated lands. It was not far from the edge of the forest and by the way the...

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Great Escape

**Great Escape** _Gren Drake, 2013_ _This is a sequel to my older story "Payment" that I rediscovered in my "Work-In-Progress" Folder and fixed up for posting. Hope you enjoy!_ It had taken her several days to reach the dragon's lair on foot, but...

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Lost and Found

**Lost and Found** _Gren Drake, 2011_ The site was on the small site, probably only a couple of buildings even back when it was still intact. It was also closer to the nearby mega-crater than most explorers (tomb raiders, Fred silently said to...

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Big Melons

**Big Melons** _Gren Drake, 2011_ Judith arrived at the cafe first, stopping to order a coffee. The service was friendly and efficient as always. Dropping a couple of packets of creamer onto the saucer, she picked up the beverage and looked for a...

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**Bioroid** _Gren Drake, 2011_ Angel swiped her card at the door and entered her small apartment with a sigh; It was amazing what people would try when tax time was coming and somehow it always seemed to be her that dealt it. The air in her...

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Encounter at the Train Station

_In which a man finds his new slave is more dominate than he is. (3100 words)_ _2010 Gren Drake_ The train station was poorly lit. Electric strip lights lined the edges of the floor and cast their pale illumination into the massive chamber. Above was...

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**Gargoyle** _Maryann becomes unwittingly involved with an unusual intruder in the manor-house she guards. (7800 words)_ Clean, Human, Gargoyle, Violence 2011 Gren Drake The manor-house of the Prelate's Servant Randolph was a...

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Bioweapons 2011 Gren Drake _A secret agent's trial of a stolen weapon succeeds beyond his greatest hopes, but cannot prevent his own capture. (4500 words)_ The night was young with much of the daylight yet to fade. Above, not a cloud hung in the...

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Wyvern Story

**Wyvern Story** _2013 Gren Drake_ The air was hot and humid and it hung heavily about. There were no clouds, though, much less rain. There was never rain in the Great Expanse, only undying humidity. The still air entirely failed to stir the leaves...

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