Omnimagus — Chapter 1: The Grass Is Greener Here

"non-binary. you know, not male or female.", opal stated simply in way of explanation. "ah.", travis muttered, clearly not understanding.

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-- network nihilist --

Spreading thinner and thinner until it dissolves completely binary blobs of simulated bukkake fill the virtual space and your dna is collected in a gutter an aimless dataflow to be drained down some place

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The House That Screamed

Instead of the binary code, it now showed a picture of a house fire. then it flashed to a burn victim... i turned away, gagging.

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Club Starmon

More and more rainbow binary flew into the new veemon's ears changing him, "urg... gomamon..."

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Midline Shift 38 - Amongst the Geth

We are aware that it is able to spread through binary transmission, in a much more ancient format than that which we use for digital transfer.

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Binary Genetics-Chapter 3

Dan slept quite a bit that night, with Andrea and the other mares standing guard around him and the other foals. Being young, they slept quite a bit more than the adult horses, only waking occasionally for a quick bit of milk then lying down and...

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Binary Genetics-Chapter 2

Roosevelt National Park, Frank's Creek Parking Area "Shit. Oh, shit. Oh shit." Ranger Natalie Peters put her Jeep into park as the morning sun just started to peek over the horizon. There were lots of reasons why the minivan would be in the desolate...

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Binary Genetics, Chapter 1

The man wearing flannel pajamas snorted. "Keller, if you had a sense of humor I'd be laughing. Since you don't, you must have cracked up." He carefully placed the manila folder, brown with age, on the table next to the Veldt china coffee cup which he...

A Poetic Definition.

So thus the gender binary is broken into spectrum. so thus the evolutioning, through fire and love and hunger, from wolf upon the frozen steppes to squeaky bone and walkies. i would not look for poetry in any definition.

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The Lost Digimon - 2013 version

As he gained control over them, more binary code swirled around his torso, additional armour covering his back and shoulders.

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Digimon World: Vee for Veectorious Domination

He quickly pressed create watching as the screen flashed with an white light, as it did he didn't notice a small line of binary flowing into his right eye. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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Under the Sundowner Part 06

"not like that it can't, convert it into binary code." tye smiled as the complex code changed into zeros and ones. "now watch a master at work." he said, as he began isolating strands and typing in new code. "you can actually read binary?"

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