It's Always Sunny in Liberty City - The Gang Cripples Rags

(cops get out of the car and point guns at reuben) p59 - (notices cops) oh...i'll have you two know that i'm 1/64th black, 1/64th cherokee indian, and 31/32nd jewish...making me the most oppressed of minorities which inspired me to get a law degree to fight

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Love's Shadow Part 1

Will you need someone to watch cherokee this time?" jace blinked, "oh, yeah. i probably will, i forgot that gary watched cherokee last time i went out of town. if i do go see tom, do you think you could watch her for me?

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Reading Nook

The older cherokee woman sniffed smelling the vinegar "at least joe had the good sense'a to pickle you. after lunch i'll mix up a batch of my burn salve when i go get some of the plants in the woods."

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Chapter 7 - Sergei's Big Day Out

Moreau's jeep grand cherokee to load the groceries in. as felicity started on the cart that prozac picked up, she noticed something strange about his load. "professor prozac... all you got is cheese puffs, soda and crunchy peanut butter.

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Lumina Mouse chapter one

Lumina sighed as she drove down the road in her 1995 cherokee sport. it was a nice tan color, with a tan interior. lumina had turned eighteen not long ago and had a head start in college by getting a degree in medical herbs.

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Joining The Family

" * * * -one year ago- cherokee trail high school (it was during the first hfa meeting of the year. the attendance had nearly doubled since i first became the leader when i was a freshman.

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Tree: part 3

A few things you wouldn't find was a dream catcher being used as a switch for the ceiling fan and salt and pepper shakers, made to look like cherokee indians. the coffee, finally, perked and samantha handed me a cup.

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The Stray Cat, Ch. 7

Various maintenance tools and other car-related items surrounded a simple, dated-looking white crossover vehicle that resembled a jeep cherokee. "what the hell?!?"

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If i ration a reasonable amount out to play, sometime, in cherokee, i might make a helpful sum to buy a gun, a television, or a new mattress. "the house always wins," i remember. it's a good saying for all things in life.

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Bumpy Roads

You're family, being close never hurt anyone," kirah said hopping into the front seat and starting the jeep cherokee up. she rolled down her window and clapped the side of her door, "hurry it up." to her, the matter was already settled.

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The Fox and the Hound

Enquired kunta when they reached his vehicle, a slightly battered jeep cherokee. "sure. i'll see you then." after a last embrace, kunta got into his car and backed away, tooting the horn before driving out of the car-park.

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Put Down

"it was a week ago today that two high school seniors from cherokee trail high school were murdered. nicky anderson and sean douglas, a fur, were both enjoying the senior dance at their school.

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