Into the Unknown-Chapter 1-The beginning of the voyage

This area that the explorer was currently in had already lost about three other ships, several of the original ships that had been with the colonists when they arrived.

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Just Breathe - Chapter 5

"i'd offer you a paw shake, colonist, but 'm a bit tied up at th' moment. the lovely lady here didn't seem too fond of letting me keep th' use o' my paws once i slipped my bonds earlier."

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The Dragon Warrior: Space Adventure Chapter 12

"i appreciate the offer, but i must help some of the colonists and to give my report, now that they are gone."

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Into the Unknown-Chapter 2

On the planet about 4 years after the colonists had settled on the planet building new lives for themselves, he had ended up living with the family friends until the day that his parents came down to pick him up.

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Para-Imperium Core Worlds

But when the terraforming of secland had reached the point where colonists could breathe the atmosphere tensions re-established themselves between the two old enemies.


A New Family Part 4

, colonist) 293 -surya (son of noctis) 102 - alessandra (alpha den healer, colonist) 215 -nathan (alpha den historian, colonist) 235 - diana (daughter of nathan and alessandra) 102 - apollo (son of nathan and alessandra) 102 - sylvia (alpha den technician

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Bloody Red Sun of Fantastic L.A. : Part II Chapter III

They building that had been the processing and customs center for arriving colonists was caved in and destroyed.

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A brief history of Kyruku

While the journey still took almost a decade, the colonists arrived, and created the first kyruku facility on terra, near the city of islamabad in the middle east.

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Seeds Of Life II - Awakening

The colonists... the people need to unwind." "you are not colonist person?" he asked, taking another sip. "i... what, sir?" "have not seen you drink anything all night, medico.

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Jar Jar's Bizarre Adventure - Exodus - Chapter 3

Other colonists came, fought with the original colonists, and the plasma proved toxic in its raw form. selling the stuff was becoming expensive. this is where the gungans come in.

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2. Food Chain

Aadit hits his scepter against the metallic ground loudly, but the colonists are talking among themselves, creating a dull roar of impossible-to-follow discussions.

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Species study: Jaffean

The uas is also somewhat of an imperialistic society, manipulating colonists and being economically and socially self-centred.

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