Snuff Room: Shot Down

With his dead body laying down on the ground with his ass shown, the machine didn't waste time and an arm with a canine dildo at the end prepared itself to fuck the gnoll's corpse.

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Nobody remembers the story and his name

Heaven the she goes to the river bank and starts looking everywhere she cant believe what just happened, but then she started to feel poweful a pair of beautiful golden wings appear in his back but one of them is black and putrefact like somethins dead

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Last Gasp of a Rare Breed of King

He is not dead just yet but he's so old and exhausted that he's close enough to it.

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The day Scar fill into the FEV vat.

So scar fought then he gets a dumb idea but humans do dumb things and there still around scar waited for a swing at his head it would mean death or near death his brother swings and scar moves but not fully getting a nasty gash over one eye it all most

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Dead Space Dissolution Chapter One: Lost in Space

Chapter One:Lost in Space            There was nothing but darkness all around me. Darkness, and the shapes that moved in the shadows. I couldn't really see them, but I knew they were there. I could sense their malice, and I could hear them as they...

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#2 of dead space: eden **author's note** : the following is a non-canon fanfiction on the visceral/ea video game dead space. the following contains graphic scenes of a violent and sexual nature as well as harsh language.

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Four walls and a Roof

#3 of the digi_dead part 4 previously on the digi-dead: commandramon left to the outside area leaving kuma to take a nap. he found a tree with a marking on it and started crying. he was suddenly hit. he blacked out.

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Chapter IV

From the dead world, cerinia." "dead world? it was destroyed?" "it was destroyed by a evil primate called andross." alexander frowned deeply. "i am truly sorry to hear that, i wish that i could have been there to stop it." this baffled krystal.

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Breakdown (100 Word Story)

Gunfire blazed. Shade stared blankly at the body before her. Matt. The man she loved. By now the bite mark on his neck had started closing. Michael saw it rising, and the girl he loved waiting beside it. "Shade!" but it was too late. The creature...

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Drakensang Chapter 2

- if i would want your dead mister steinbach i wouldn't drag your sorry ass out of that wreck before it blew, wouldn't i? - god knows what you're up to. everyone knows your brain got fried back on the gemini v.

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A New Night Ch.1 Collapse

I think he was in shock, but i thought for sure he'd be dead. that's when i noticed them. "them?" "the people of the restaurant." he said beginning to shake, "they were eating each other."

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Humanized (trade...sorta)

But he did keep to my will and got someone to sing at my funeral which happened two days after my untimely yet entirely timely death.

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