Early Works - Orion X

Pierce threw an isotope bomb into the mix. pandemonium erupted as the bleeping increased. then it the bleeping stopped and it exploded, releasing a liquid that went everywhere.


Sparky's Delivery Service | Chapter 1 [Comm]

An echo of laughter sounded in the fennec's ear, she shifted her backpack holding the bundle of unstable isotopes she was to deliver and began to deftly leap from gnarled root to gnarled root.

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Alt Earth 4077 Historical Post 5

If they'd go to the free schools they'd know we still have five more centuries to go before the radioactive isotopes from wwiv will fade, not to mention another six centuries from the fall out the scotland reactor failure caused when that relic blew on reactivation

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Creature From Hell

He engineered a creature to be used in wars but in the genetic enhancement process the radioactive isotopes became too unstable. this created the beast from an eternal hell.

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New Discoveries

Cracking open the doors to the silo, we found some odd things: an rusomium isotope, several pots filled with native/alien hybrids, and a granola bar. none of them belong there (especially that last one).

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Isolation-Excerpt 19-Breathing Room

Do you have any idea how hard it is to find an isotope of ei2 that doesn't eat away at sensitive tissue?" "how?", i asked.

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The Old Republic: Beyond Light and Darkness ch. 1

._ _the forces of **sith empire** , armed with isotope-5 weaponry,_ _viciously fight a loosing war for domination in the galaxy against the **galactic** **republic**._ _aided by great heroes of their own, the two factions clash in a_ _fight between light

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Star Trek - Blood of a Klingon

Scans were already projecting the damage the radiolytic isotopes could inflict on organic life.

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Facility- Chapter 1

Scanning quickly through the pages i see no sign of the words 'radioactive' or 'isotope,' meaning i can rule out acute radiation sickness. then what else could cause me to start having my hair fall out so quickly?

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Springtide of the Black Rose: Chapter 13: Black Holiday

Personally, i'd let him have his victory because in his hubris, he overlooked that his engine can produce isotopes of hydrogen..." she explained, having made a discovery while he was busy testing.

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Rare Earth, Common Ground: Oasis of the Stars - Part II

Like some rare alloys, certain forms of gaseous isotopes could not be easily replicated, hence the second imperium's need for these massive outposts scattered about the stars.

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Chapter 4. Marooned on Earth?

On earth they probably use isotope substitution or electrolysis. that uses a lot of power, but we could use nanite filtration fairly easily." harrl nodded in satisfaction.

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