(C) It's Too Big, Kupo!

"kupo... i... um... don't taste good..." she flinched as a cold, scaled hand gripped her ankle. "h-hey! lemme go, kupo!" she tried kicking with her free leg, only to have her foot batted away with little effort.

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A Pleasant Overnight Train Ride

His struggles were growing calm, his hyper breath slowing.. little bubbly kupo-kupo noises fell from his lips now and then, i think he was trying to talk..

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A Bitter-sweet (Mostly) Rivalry

In the cafeteria, kupo..! h-.. he said he was.. g-gunna melt me..! t-that i was moonblossom food.' tsumi sobbed out, shaking his head. 'it was.. b-bubbling a-.. and mister garrett s-saved me, kupo. r-reached down-..

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On the Grape-Vine

It was no kupo-nut tree. that was for certain. whatever sort of tree it was, he had never seen it before.

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"sure boss," greg kupoed as he stood up, "where will you be if i need you?"

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Not Quite Master-Chef

'kupo.. so, are you going to let me up now, kai-po?' tsumi asked faintly, tugging gingerly at the ropes still holding him fast. kaimo blinked. 'hmm? now why would i do that, kupo? still gotta put the meat into the stew, after all.

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Home or Bust

'see if we can't get you to fifth, kupo.' the young mog murmured, stroking the flesh and drawing another gentle groan from the wolves' lips.

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Meeting the Family

'back in a sec, just gotta dump my bag, kupo.' the pink mog smiled after his sibling, squirming and adjusting his lengthy hair, before returning his gaze to the wolf. offering up a padded hand, he beamed. 'nice t'meet you, kupo!'

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True Blue

I yield, kupo..' murmured the grey mog, pouting gently. 'smart move, mini-mog.' growled the wolf with a satisfied smirk.

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