Gotta take it like you find it

Now, their express locomotive had to slow down to a crawl to avoid overtaxing the rails.

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The Original Species: Species List

The outsider anarchy ### mythos | **cyclops** - | _aenigma opticus_ | | **sylvan** - | _aenigma arbor_ | | **daemon** - | _aenigma daemon_ | | **yeti** - | _aenigma gelu_ | | **grumkin** - | _aenigma monstrum_ | | | | ## the unloyal alliance ### locomotion

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Wheels and Gears that Turn

Slowly at first then gaining speed like a run away locomotive. the energy forces the lax gerbil to move to keep from being injured by the motion of the wheel it was on.

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Wheels and Gears That Turn

Slowly at first then gaining speed like a run away locomotive. the energy forces the lax gerbil to move to keep from being injured by the motion of the wheel it was on.

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The Hadfield Robbery

The locomotive sat ticking gently, the large metal arm pantograph on top touching the high voltage cable.

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Steel Wheels, Iron Horses Preface

The purchase of new locomotives would never be considered unless the existing power was either worn beyond repair or proved inadequate for the job.

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AC: Project Breeder 1 - Prologue

It all began when the first locomotive engine was created to travel across the country, using us to thrive humanity as they grew to be inventors creating the first automorph.

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Aviation Dreams Chapter 2 - Pre Flight Checks

The first thing that caught his eye was an unusual locomotive sitting in platform 1. he stepped over for a better look. the loco was a single stirling class, but it had been heavily modified with scientific instrumments and pipes attatched to the sides.

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Spring Break - Part 5

_"in the shuffling madness of the locomotive breath, runs the all-time loser, headlong to his death.

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Tales of Airethe: The Rise of Alysa

If alysa proved herself, she could earn a position aboard one of the sleek, silvery locomotives that traveled by track across the rather open and rolling landscape.

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Eberron: An Adventure in Q'Barra, Chapter 1 -- Part 2

[a lightening rail uses electricity supplied by the conductor stones to run, so it has more in common with a maglev train than a steam locomotive.]

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Packing and Truth (Otherwise Untitled)

Off in the distance, the fox could clearly make out a steam locomotive frozen as it churned its way across gleaming rails and generally empty desert. "just.. how old are you, linda?", greg inquired as he began to politely fold up the desert garment.

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