Afterword by Ted V.

Some say it was all folklore, of the sort civilizations Will sprout like fungus from the leaking seams as they grow senile. That those who live like wolves among the ruins may find comfort In tales that make the wolves out in the wastelands to seem...

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Part XVIII - And With That, I Close the Door

There was no particular celebration, that night at the cabin. No fanfare. No triumphal parade. Nik asked Will a few polite questions about how the shoot had gone and from there the conversation meandered into methods of constructing climate-resistant...

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Part XVII - They Can’t Sell That House So Empty It Stays

Sam dropped them both off at the rest stop closest to where route 93 turned off the interstate. According to Chase this 'shoot' came with a van better equipped to handle potholes and washout, they'd ride out in that. "Which," Sam grumbled, "is fine by...

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Part XVI - Still as the Silence Round About His Lair

It wasn't usually the director of photography's job, on these shoots, to do this kind of groundwork. Finding sources for local legends, or the locals who could tell them, was something the writers/hosts/directors/producers had always handled. And yes,...

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Haiku on the Collapse

Fiddling while Rome burns, If a fiddle's all you have, Is hardly a sin.


If You Are Reading These They May Be About You

Husbands beside me Breathe loud in the darkness Just before sunrise. I ought to sleep more, But all my dreams were passion And I am too roused. All my dreams have turned To smoldering near-erections And poems half-remembered. Poems to...


We Regret to Inform You of a Funeral Cancellation

Well a couple mourners gathered, and a bunch more came to stare. Course all the casual killers came, who'd left him lying there. They bought a discount casket and a requiem was said For the funeral was scheduled, for burying the dead. Well the...

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Blank Verse Essay On the Treachery of Hope

You must learn how to live and not to hope For hope will be a luxury ere long. For hope can be both manacle and chain. For hope can keep you too spellbound to run Until the waters rise too high, and boil. You would not be the first. In ages...

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Initial Survey of Quaisholm Cave Paintings, Origin Unknown, presumed Upper Mesolithic

The sunset lit the hills behind him. The breeze lifted the trees over him. And the path stretched out before him. Others of his tribe, maybe, would have said there was no one else there. Sana knew better. Not quite twelve days ago, one of the young...

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Saturday, Dedicated to the God of Cycles of Violence and Revenge who Devours His Children, but Also of Harvest and the Lost Golden Age

I return, once again. I'll run again. It doesn't matter. Where is there to go? Guilty I am, and guilty I have been. Though in that town of secrets, who's to know? But no road leads me out from your shadow, My wolf, my lonely wolf, my...

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Portrait of a Lonely Wolf

For every day, somebody else has left. For every day, another empty house. For every day is closer to the day When he will be the only one still here. The only one to never find a way To any other place. His road goes but In circles. And he...

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Either Your God Hates Me Or Your Religion Doesn't Work

If you are queer, and still hold to some faith Of whatsoever christian sect, then I Have no desire to undermine with doubt What must remain a precious source of strength, And must have been most difficult to keep. So please do not regard what I...

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