Meant to Be, Ch 2

The project was lengthy, considering the size of the stone block and the amount of mortar needed to get it to budge.

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group therapy Part 11

mortar fiddled with his large paws, and licked some sort of onion relish from his lips. "i got one." bandit's expression softened, and ryan swore that it was the first time he'd seen the cat so much as smile since the incident. "righto then mortar.

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Me and my muse had been talking and i had just summoned the courage to pull one of my drawings from my pocket when the mortar came in on us.

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group therapy Part 5

"that's mortar, by the way." flack said. "you'll get used to him."

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Clan War: War of Light, chapter 4 Heart of the Fallen

"look out, incoming mortar!" a voice yells. she looks up and see a falling mortar going straight ahead to them, the soldiers push her forward, she hit the ground with her back and she looks at the soldiers that save her.

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Silverback Episode 16

I looked to my right to check my alignment with the lieutenant right when a mortar shell hit him directly.

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A Dragon's Tale-The Star's Journey-Chapter 12-To The Rescue

Seconds later i could see the mortar coming right for us. "mortar!", i shouted barrel rolling to the side, avoiding the lethal projectile by mere inches.

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Xenophobia: The Beginning

He noticed that the mortars weren't doing much to damage the bridge loader. he re-armed the javelin. he told the mortar teams to use low yield shells and focus on the enemies behind the downed aircraft. madsen and spencer cleared the jam in the avap.

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"thats what you get for the fuckin cheap ass mortars you shot at us other fucker," he was pissed, man you could tell he was pissed.

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A Dragon's Tale-Chapter 12-Going In Hot

As soon as my words had tumbled past my muzzle mortars begin raining down on us. "ambush,hudson yelled,take cover!" the mortars were landing two or three at a time,suggesting multiple teams. "rolland,va!"

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Chapter 1 : All Hope is Lost

Ryan looked in front of him and at his rifle he had dropped when the mortar fire first started. he knew to run for it was suicide.

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L12 120 millimeters heavy mortar type: heavy mortar caliber: 120 mm type of round: grenades available he-frag, smoke in various colors, enlightening grenades and toxic-gas charged grenades.
