Life is Heavy

Power is wrapping oneself in steel wool, and having the ability to seize courage, and triumph, at one's own will whenever, no matter what weakness is at hand. god wants me to die today, in the heat, in this blasted, goddamned humidity.

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Drunken Lullabies #4

Muzzling oneself, let alone at such a relaxed position. slowly sliding that tongue and muzzle up and down as his tool pulsed, getting instant satisfaction at his own silky appendage and his sensitive sheath.

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How to roleplay with babyfurs.

Stopping the role-play to relieve oneself from sexual urgency will make things less enjoyable, because the player will temporally leave the role.

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I come here for the same reason that others go to mountains or forests or lonely cities too - to lose oneself and regain oneself in the same instant. and to find clarity, but it is never fast in coming.

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A Go-In-Your-Pants Party [1] [Scat/WS]

Some rules were in display: milrew warned that scaring oneself or hypnotizing oneself into soiling would not count for the project quota and owain even suggested that the best way to inspire soiling oneself is by distraction: like a video game, movie or book

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Descending on a Feast

Though they were many, there was no need to keep this to oneself, or even one's clan. today's was a find greater than any they had ever known, and tonight would be a feast to match. around the mountain of flesh, hyenids poured in from all sides.

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Del Sarto of the Dragons: Drestir's Despair

He was only mimicking the pain as was proper of the dragons that served others and an act of sympathy to take in the pain of other dragons one respected to oneself. "you aren't that bad. you know this my drestir.

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Character Vignette -- Once, With Another Woman...

I told her that music and joy and life were something that had to be explored and tasted for oneself.

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To find oneself trapped within the labyrinthine mind of redundancy, of never-used paths and vacuum tubes glowing ochre judgment. i find no quartz that resonates. i do not find clock hands. i find a ceaseless array of pendulums and flywheels.

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Shinai & Rajiv

Shinai begins to wonder whether or not it's really possible to stop remorseless killers from killing without becoming a killer oneself, and rajiv begins to wonder just how many of his people would be killed if he were to lead them into a revolution that they


Monique's Diary

Kassia is one of the royal trainers in the sapphire palace and by law all moondaggers much learn how to defend oneself. anyway, we were short today and it was a nightmare. this was during the earlier days of mating season.

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Les Animaux Confeiture finale

To feel ones world crashing down upon oneself is generally felt metaphorically, in terms of those times in our lives when we feel all hope is lost.

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