Chapter 52: Beginning of a Nightmare
They were palmon, dorumon, and veemon. _'where am i?'_ "all right guys, we are half way there." veemon cheered with male child voice. "you always cheerful aren't you?" palmon sighed with female voice.
End Game - Chapter 10 - A Hero Reborn, A Hero Fallen
palmon buried her face in mimi's dress, letting all of her emotions come out. mimi just stood silent, stroking the back of palmon's head. "there, there, palmon."
Chapter 18: Unexpect Expedition.
Al was completely shocked from her disappearance and then looked at palmon which gave him a small nodded telling him to relax. slowly palmon reaches al's free claw and pull him in to the path between the trees.
Digimon Defenders Biographies and Supplemental 1.0
Sleep/stun spores - palmon emits a cloud of pollen that can put anyone within range to sleep, or reduces them into a stupor. palmon also has other types of special pollen...
Legacy of the Vampire 2:Endless Night
Gomamon grabbed palmon's vines with her flippers. "what is there to tell?!" gomamon pulled palmon forward, palmon losing her balance and her vines loosening. gomamon was now free. "i saw you wrap your wings around her up over the trees!
Celebration Trickery Pt.2: Final Vengeance
Mimi turned around to look at the scared palmon, and without wiping her wet chest or bare body clean of the spit and digestive juices, she crawled over and gave palmon a hug.
On Parole 4
Agumon and palmon were standing. veemon said, "please have a seat." agumon and palmon sat on his bed. then leaned against the wooden rail. veemon sat as well.
Celebration Trickery
That was when palmon leaped down, landing perfectly on mimi's head.
The Twelve Talismans - Chapter 12 - The Tiger Talisman - Yin and Yang
palmon suddenly blushed a little. "palmon?" gatomon cocked an eyebrow at this. "did you finally seduce betamon?" gatomon knew palmon's little obsession with the gay little digimon friend of palmon's. a shape shifter could easily take advantage of that.
End Game - Chapter 1 - Betrayal
palmon had gripped the bag with her poison ivy, but gatomon sliced her vines with her claws. palmon screamed and retracted her injured appendages. "palmon! are you ok?!" mimi ran up to palmon and caught her as she stumbled back.
End Game - Chapter 25 - Apologies
He smiled at palmon; "you should have blasted me harder. i merely climbed up back through the hole. i saw you two screwing like animals and decided to wait till you finished." "pervert!" palmon screamed.
The Twelve Talismans:Dimensional Travels - Chapter 25 - Past Mistakes
palmon began rubbing herself with a long finger. "ohhh fuck me..." the pieces were fast falling into place. "would be glad to, stud..." palmon smiled happily. "why don't we watch the one of you and tentomon while we're at it?