What, a dog isn't a pokemon? chapter two

I stopped on one channel where a psyduck was falling in love with a wobbuffet. wobbuffet: "but you cant leave me." psyduck: "i half to go, i need to protect the golden pokeball." wobbuffet: "then take me with you."

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Spygate: Together We Ride

The psyduck began typing away to see if his name was on the list. after a few seconds, the psyduck had managed to find his name on the list of applicants for the academy. "ah yes, vern buster ero. you just signed up a few days ago i see.

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Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Ecruteak City and Olivine Lighthouse

The next pokemon sent out was a psyduck and i substituted for snubbull for his battle turn. a headbutt proved strong enough to defeat psyduck too.

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Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Floaroma Town and Honey

The next psychic sent out a psyduck and i sent out my bibarel having him use headbutt defeating psyduck.

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Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Jubilife City

The final opponent on the route was a lass who sent out a psyduck and i sent out my shinx having him use spark defeating psyduck. after shinx's victory he began glowing signalling he had reached his evolution already.

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Commission: Trainer Transformed

Oh fuck, if that broken psyduck made him forget how to talk, he was going to cook it up for dinner. erin tried to jump to his feet. only to fall over when he stepped on something thick and bushy.

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ch 30 the search begins

A psyduck?" looking around while floating on the surface of the lake was a psyduck. the yellow waterfowl lazily yawned before swimming to shore and walked away. ash looked down at ruby, "um... psyduck aren't that dangerous.

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Mirages & Bitmaps 02: Introductions

It's eyes looked glazed, as if it weren't all there; not unlike a psyduck. "hmm. ah got a few ideas on what t' do. think ah could borrow yer computer, professor?" she asked, standing and looking over at oak. "i, uh.. of course."

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Happy Amphy Christmas

Suddenly, they heard screams of psyduck and slowpoke near the entrance. a bunnelby jumped towards them really scared. " a zoroark and armaldo have devoured psyduck and slowpoke! we gotta get outta here!" screamed bunnelby .


Jim Chronicles Route 35 (Scrapped Old Edition)

"dammit, what am i going to do with a million psyducks." he asked as he roasted a few strips of meat and pokeblocks over a small campfire. the houndoom look at him meaningfully then looked at the fire than back to him. "nope. i'm not going to eat them."

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A New Start As A Trainer/Chapter 27: Battle in the Gardenia part 2

Gallade's arm glowed a purple and he slashed, sending an arc towards the "sitting-psyduck" (pokemon humor). "oh, playing hard ball now...aren't we? turtwig, tackle!"

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Pikachu's Unexpected love 2(COMPLETE STORY)

psyduck yelled ran over to misty. psyduck...thank goodness your okay. misty said breathing heavily. psyduck turned to team rocket with a looked of rage in it's eyes. is it me, or is that psyduck look different to you?

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