Losing my virginity

Losing my virginity It was a brisk March day when I decided to go to the game store to browse the used games. I still have my holiday bonus unused from Christmas after paying for a nice dinner with my family. I have no real close friends in high...

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Riddle of the Cups

Content warning: this story is intended for mature readers and the following tags apply: female, kitsune, magic, unaware, weight gain, rapid weight gain, wardrobe malfunction, blob, immobile i hope yall are doing well and staying safe~ i have a vignette

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New Tech Old Problems

Soft gurgles filled the chamber as she rapidly metabolized her unexpected meal, softening the dome of her belly with an apron of pudge.

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What Data Never Tells You

The crazed, broken look in those red displays for eyes were glitching, showing rapidly transitioning images of random things but frequently showing porygon-z as much as possible.

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Bounced (Vore Story)

The dog stammered as he watched the sabretooth approach him, nearly falling off the bar stool he was on after such a rapid movement.

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Wild Expectations

His belly was pushing out rapidly. the sensation was similar to the tugging earlier between his legs, only in reverse and far more pleasurable. moreover, the furry flesh around his nipples came loose.

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A Night in the Forest

Lighting arched across the sky, and thunder rolled through the dark night air as Rackun stumbled up the side of the wet muddy hill. He was soaked to the fur, and desperately seeking shelter in this late night storm. He'd been backing packing across a...

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Day 24) Hoard

Cws: oral vore, rapid digestion, bone belching, necromancy, magic, implied oral sex, arrogant narrator, feral dragon * * * i stood proudly within the depths of the sprawling cave.

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Best Served Cold

Content warning: this story is intended for mature readers and the following tags apply: female, fox, public setting, magic, weight gain, force feeding, rapid weight gain, blob, room-filling good day yall, i hope you're doing well and staying safe.

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Balros's Typical Week

Balros's Typical Week By Victor Waite 20-09-25 A Patreon Vignette for Echoen Balros belongs to Echoen Balros's partner learns a little more about him when they experience the miracle of pregnancy, condensed into a week. Naturally, such...

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Hands on Testing

The scientist's resolve to find an answer eroded as she pushed herself toward a rapid climax, soaking her pants and chair with a tide of lust.

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Falling Apart: Chapter 4- Rapid Changes

It's been two days since my last journal. Ceti and I have been getting along really well, and shi's helped me become more comfortable with being a herm. According to Altair's scans, I was actually supposed to hatch as one, but there was some hasty...

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