Goku's After Life (Act 1)
Vegeta wore his dark blue under shirt and pants which he normally had on beneath his saiyan armor. it was tight and form fitting to his muscular body and bulge.
A Trial Of Love
He knew that as a dragon, she didn't have her saiyan abilities, so beating her in battle would be easy. "perhaps with you didn't hear me." drakkor spat. "our love is forbidden, not to be. even if i am like this." he shifted quickly to his human guise.
TOWNN Meets: Goku.
As the match started he entered his super saiyan form and i copied it. we sparred like this for what felt like hours before he got me in a choke hold, though after about five minutes he realized i could survive without oxygen and we resumed fighting.
Bulma vs Chi-Chi! A Baby Shower Burping Contest!
The blonde-haired woman's baby blue eyes were open and locked on those of her daughter and her scarlet lips curled into a devious smirk that rivaled those of the saiyan prince.
Marky in the Middle
Anger seethed through mark's body as his fur began to glow with his saiyan power. "piedmon... myotismon... masters have demanded that i destroy your village." he said, raising his weapon. "chaos shot!"
Breaking The Ice
Cooler, seeing his brother frieza destroyed by a saiyan, decided to have his revenge. for some reason cooler had always believed that frieza could somehow be redeemed. it was all in vain.
18. Dark Influences
Frost's arms and legs were kicking free, but he wasn't able to change their direction, the saiyan wolf had a power of flight that was driving him harder and faster toward the castle.
In Soviet Nazi Germany, Communism Eats *YOU*
Goku ran out after hitler and got to him goku: "hi hitler" hitler: "oh no it's goku" and goku went super saiyan hitler: "hey two can play at this game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Shadow of a Doubt
"he needs guidance in controlling his saiyan powers. if he goes nuclear, are you going to be able to handle the attack if he can't control it?" "piece of cake." shadow said confidently.
Friendship Between A Boy And His Dragon Part II
Icarus responded by inserting his tongue into the saiyan's butt. after another hour of this gohan got off of icarus and went to where he lied down last night. \*gohan.
Arein: Dress ups?
You should have left long before now... any how all the stuff regarding rejuves is a concept by a guy named lurking dragon, and the idea of saiyans (saiyan-jins) are the property of mr.
Goku's After Life (Act 2)
He went over to raditz and gripped his hands around the saiyan's cock. this had been the first real sensation raditz had had there in months! "emmmmmmmmmm!!!" he moaned out.