Goku's Special Training
Much to vegeta's surprise recoome was able to use his cock to swing himself up onto both feet. vegeta laughed as recoome started to hop around the room. "hahahaha!" "hay vegeta, what's so funny?" vegeta turned to nappa.
Goku's After Life (Act 1)
This had made vegeta a wanted man, but there was nothing the demons could do about it because vegeta was in his own paradise.
Goku's After Life (Act 2)
Nappa eventually broke free from ware and tear from vegeta's vigorous training. surprisingly though, he wasn't that annoyed with vegeta.
Goku and the Carnival of Castration
"hay vegeta?" vegeta made a noise. "hmmmm?" "i love you." goku said and gave him a kiss on the neck. vegeta let out a pleased sound. then said. "goodnight goku." "goodnight vegeta." goku said yawning. vegeta yawned too.
Fanfic: DBZ - Freiza's Return
vegeta shouted, abruptly going super saiyan and rushing into the air; but he suddenly froze in place. "g-goku, did you feel that?" trunks and goten looked up in confusion at vegeta, not sure what could have possibly held back vegeta's rage.
A Destroyer's Heart: Chapter 2
vegeta said angrily. "nene are you alright?!" bulma was right behind vegeta.
[R]Can you keep a secret?
Bulla\* the ride until home wasn't out of the normal vegeta: hey!
Raiderstuck (part 1)
vegeta: "main screen turn on" princess: "okay guys wait up i'm teleporting over don't use the crystals yet" vegeta: "main screen turn off" and the princess teleported into the lms explorer princess: "okay i deployed some equipment onto the ship earlier
A Destroyer's Heart: Chapter 1
vegeta had an edge to his voice that made him scarier than usual as beads of sweat formed on his forehead. "i'm positive uncle vegeta. this felt like all the other premonitions that came true before we had to a face a dangerous adversary."
Max Myers and The Alien Invasion Chapter..2
Then nappa and vegeta went there and nappa was killed while vegeta, max´s supposed to be brother was beaten up badly and now they too were after dragon balls so he had to hurry. there was also one good thing.
Jon Mahon Christmas Special
(somehow) but the disco balls were still attacking until suddenly vegeta was like "kamehameha!!"
Raiderstuck (part 2)
vegeta: "over 9000 miles" princess: "no it's 125 miles" vegeta: "no mine's cooler cuz i'm using a widely known meme and yours is a stupid inside joke that basically nobody reading this is going to get" (years ago) kyurel: "so today i drove 125 miles