Sick as a Lapwing

Your master Ruko lays before you, tucked under duvet covers that stretch out like a white dessert before you, his bird head to the side, damp flannel cooling his temple as he sleeps lightly. The occasional cough being uttered like a sudden storm...

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Sick Ride

I never thought I'd be this into cars, hell until I got this baby I spent most of my days riding a bike or walking, you know trying to help the environment, but there was just something about this car that I just couldn't resist. I still remember the...

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Sickness and in health

**in sickness and in health ** my name is richard wolf-paw and i'm a male great dane and right now i'm in deep sorrow and mourning. my story started ten years ago when i met my then husband at a local gay bar.

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A Day to Rest

Gripping the edge of the plastic contain between his jaws, he carried both it and the bottle inside carefully back to alison's room; the sickly coughing replaced by an eerie silence.

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004 - The World pt.03

-THE DAY BEFORE VALENTINES DAY 2017- -09:00- The alarm starts to blare on Butters phone, not that one was needed as the squirrel has already been awake for half an hour, glued to the mirror trying to sort out their face/life in general for the...

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Dover: Layer 2: Humans.

Well dover explains his sickness, that's a major problem. so this little problem comes down and sits on the lines of dreams and reality and so begins the tug of war.

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Kevin Foxboy 12

Kevin Foxboy 12) Chromes and Vets When I was brought back to Kennel Nine I wanted to Submit to Chauncey, to pay him for hurting him. He said he'd never been afraid of a fox before, I had to pay for hurt and make afraid. I agreed, I knew I was...

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Merry Christmas!! :)

It's Christmas Eve. I don't know what time it is, but I just know that it's almost Christmas. It's December 24, 2012, and all the furs are out spending time with their families. They're all giving out their presents to each other, attending parties...

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A Different Kind of Babysitter - Part 10

The gym at the back of the McGregor estate was alive with activity. After Little Martin's stunning, one-sided victory over wildcat Matthew Jackson, the wildcat had approached the folf and congratulated him in the spirit of good sportsmanship, inquiring...

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Remember summer? (part 6)

Today, I woke up when Keven jumped-up and ran to the toilet than puked. "How can you even throw-up that much?" I shouted out to him.He barely even whispered back "Greyson... I don't know" the toilet flushed and Keven slowly stumbled back to bed."why...

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Del Sarto of the Dragons: Drestir's Despair

Drestir's Despair Zargon of the Southern Princes collapsed onto his scaley belly clutching it. Pain shot up and down his spine into the center of his belly centering on his stomach. He felt it boiling in him like his stomach was boiling with hot...

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Stable boy part 1 (Warning: scat swallowing,incest, etc...]

**[Just a word of warning... this story is kinda sick so if your not into scat, toiletplay, and force in all that, don't read this story. I'm not crazy, I just have sick fantasies.]** Joey was a tall, rather muscular young wolf. Always seen walking...

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