Beach party (corrected)
"yes, i know" said julius "you are victor cañizares, the spanish orca, and he is orlando, the french orca. you are part of the four friend's gang" "uaajjajajajajaja.
Born to Serve - 06
"very good, lad," joseph's voice said in equally comfortable spanish. "officer of the deck!" "yes, sir?" "take over!"
6 bestias: Capítulo 9: Momentos de fe
Universidad de SIM. A cincuenta y siete minutos de su casa, en autobús. Cheong Hee no estaba precisamente orgulloso ni contento de estar allí. Bastante esfuerzo le había supuesto conseguir que su madre no le trajera hasta allí en el Lamborgini que...
Epílogo: Una carta
_Querido Bryce._ _Estás furioso, decepcionado, e incluso un poco triste de que no te haya dirigido la palabra en todo este tiempo. Sé que esperabas que tras nuestros rencuentro volviera a hacer acto de presencia en el hospital y no me has visto, y que...
Una Luz En La Noche
_Me encuentro difuso, agobiado de dudas._ _La realidad no me responde, la temo podrida._ _El mundo te ha olvidado, no sabes quién eras._ _Te rindes, pierdes las fuerzas y tus emociones._ _Una luz en la noche apareció y me cuidó,_ _me ha dicho...
Desviando tora...
Ya os dije que las fechas iban a ser aproximadas... Lo cierto es que el siguiente capítulo, "Redo" está siendo complicado y largo. Serán nada menos que cuarenta páginas, y lo peor de todo es que se me están juntando muchas cosas en el día a día, lo...
Poem #46: El Corazón de Amor
I felt i needed another poem in spanish anyways, so enjoy!
Poem #19: Yo Pense (I Thought)
#19 of poetry this poem is in spanish. spanish is a second language for me, and i am just starting out. its about reflection and critical thinking of the world around us. i've included the english translation.
Changes - Part 2.4
They entered spanish and sat down next to each other, with the fox on jack's left, like always. during class both furs paid attention to the basic spanish exercise in greetings and followed along with the pronunciation when prompted.
Regressive Tendencies: The Beginning (Chapter 2)
In a low tone of voice juan said something in spanish. "look, horse, i've told you, no hablo el spanish-o," she said, in a frustrated tone, though still keeping it quiet because everyone else was sleeping.
Seducing the Cuck...
The hefty spanish bull sat down directly across from the younger feline, flash a big white toothed smile as chris looked over at him.
Lion, Tiger and Bears, oh my, part 5
My spanish was extremely poor and lao came to my rescue. â â â â â "don't ya know any spanish?" he asked as we walked away from a wrinkled old woman.