Maranatha - Chapter XV - as told by Sybrand Brubaker

. ~ * * * chapter xv - as told by sybrand brubaker. would you believe me if i told you i love life? you wouldn't would you. you see me as a murderer, who kills for pleasure or diversion.

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Maranatha - Chapter XIV - as told by Sybrand Brubaker

. ~ * * * chapter xiv - as told by sybrand brubaker. i am walking. the street is busy with morning people.

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Maranatha - Chapter XIII, as told by Sybrand Brubaker

. ~ * * * chapter xiii - as told by sybrand brubaker my name is sybrand patronius olivier randolph brubaker.

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Maranatha - Chapter XII, as told by Owen Zelazny

. ~ * * * chapter xii - as told by owen zelazny whoever thought it'd be a real swell idea to train cops to yell "freeze, police!"

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Maranatha - Chapter XI, as told by Owen Zelazny

When i was still owen i'd go to the dive once a month to fuck whoever the management told me to; that was a managerial incentive.

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Maranatha - Chapter X, as told by Owen Zelazny

told us how to behave, what you could get away with and what you should under no circumstances risk.

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Maranatha - Chapter IX, as told by Reiner Kierkegaard

. ~ * * * chapter ix - as told by reiner kierkegaard getting head while driving's one of my favourite things. being clear-headed is another, and as luck would have it, i get both tonight.

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Maranatha - Chapter VIII, as told by Reiner Kierkegaard

. ~ * * * chapter viii - as told by reiner kierkegaard i fucking bolt, man. as soon as i see hector flying streetward with a hole in his chest i dodge the hell sideways.

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Maranatha - Chapter VII, as told by Reiner Kierkegaard

"when he called me and told me he'd lent malloy two men to rescue his friend, i was counting on a double bluff, or a triple-cross, or whatever it's called. that's why i brought out so much muscle with me," he explains.

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Maranatha - Chapter III, as told by Owen Zelazny

Leather pants, boots, tank top, leather jacket, i've told you that before.

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Nobody Told Me There'd Days Like These

It all started with a kiss, well not a real kiss, a dream kiss. I guess I have been having these feelings for a while but I've been trying so hard not to acknowledge them. This dream made it pretty clear though. It wasn't one of those distorted dreams...

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Maranatha - Chapter II, as told by Owen Zelazny

Just because in all the sex i've told you about so far it sucked to be me don't mean it's like that all the time.

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