Egg Therapy

Egg Therapy By CalexTheNeko The world was quiet now. Finally, everything was peaceful. Joshua wished he could stay like this forever. "Are you ready to come out?" He heard her voice... But he didn't listen to it. Instead he just turned...

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Ocean Years

Ocean Years By CalexTheNeko "Alright... We got everything?" Deven asked. Currently, he was dressed in only a pair of swim trunks and nothing else. His vibrant brown hair fell down over his eyes slightly as he looked around. He and his friends...

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Raising Familiars

Raising Familiars By CalexTheNeko Cris was out in the middle of the woods some time close to midnight. Why was he here? He couldn't really explain it himself. He felt like someone had called him here. That didn't make any sense. He had simply...

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Thirteen Tales 2020: Tale 12

Meanwhile at the Lair of Dr. Callyco "Wow, the second to last tale already." Dr. Callyco perched inside a cardboard box. This year really went by fast huh?" "Squeak." The mouse known as Dr. Cutie Pup agreed from where he rested...

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Primrose Valley: Who Needs Babysitters

Primrose Valley Who Needs Babysitters By CalexTheNeko "Oh come on!" Deven protested. The green and brown noibat crossed his arms in an epic pout. "I'm more than old enough to stay home by myself! I mean... I'm in middle...

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School for the Holidays

School for the Holidays By CalexTheNeko Aurum could not believe his luck. He had gotten a letter saying he had been accepted to one of the most prestigious magical schools in the country. He'd learn a lot more than just barrier magic there....

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A Shocking Debut

It was the same reason he was currently brewing a very powerful age regression potion in the living room. his older brother gale had recently turned eighteen, making him finally a legal adult.

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Why Not Be a Little Kid?

Why Not Be a Little Kid? By CalexTheNeeko "So... You're Calex then?" Aurum had gotten down on his knees to be eye level with the orange kitten, and yet the tiger still was too tall to be eye level. "I'm taking care of you tonight till Odin gets...

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Siblings Fight and Siblings Play

#18 of age regression recently bluemoonkin decided he wanted to retool his pichu character nelly, at the same time i had been working on an anthro raichu character named gale.

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Springtide: Hide and Cheat

#23 of age regression patreon reward for nakito aurum wanted to visit the world of springtide, a land where everyone is a little kid and the world runs on make pretend.

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The Rite of Development

The Rite of Development By CalexTheNeko It was time to get this over with. Zeelo rose from his bed in the morning and let out a big yawn as he stretched. His room was pretty small, being part of an old wooden house but it wasn't like he did...

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Thirteen Tales 2020: Tale 3

Meanwhile at the Lair of Dr. Callyco "Squeak." The mouse that was formerly a wolf pup gave an indigiant stare as he fond himself lifted up off the ground by his tail and then placed atop the kitten's head. "Don't be like that." Dr. Callyco...

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