Angie (prt 2)

I let a big air bubble escape from my lungs, and instantly angie swam upwards. how she had sensed the bubble, i do not know, but it seemed i had underestimated her senses. we broke the surface, and i let the humid air fill my lungs.

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A Renegade Reborn - Pt 3 - Refugee

I wasn't sure what trickery was afoot there, although considering we had anti-gravity and were on a big air-filled cylinder floating around in space, it wasn't magic. more concerning were the looks.

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A Familiar for a Familiar, The Second Hand Suit

The fur was so black it almost looked like a metallic blue in the right light, and it shimmered in the sun, the fur ruffling as it hung airing out in the breeze.

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A Renegade Reborn - 3 - Refugee

I wasn't sure what trickery was afoot there, although considering we had anti-gravity and were on a big air-filled cylinder floating around in space, it wasn't magic. more concerning were the looks.

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Fanged Freedom

With a grin on her face the wolfess drew a simple, big air rune with her paw. she had enough experience to do it quite fast. the magic rushed through her, it always felt to her like touching fire.

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