Times& Tribulations of a Succumous 5

Mouse, demon, transformation, mind control, f/f, feeding,fear, dom/sub, (f/herm rape) times& tribulations of a succumous 5 paine redefined life is good, yes, i am saying it.

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Erika Whitehoof - Chapter 3

#3 of whitehoof [f/herm/herm][tauren][blood elf][centaur][bestiality] **whitehoof - chapter 3** by biodaemon2 "are we there yet?"

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Pet Groomer

"You're just not the right fit for our company." How many times had Kelsey heard that? She'd long since lost count, but whatever the actual number was... the answer was, fundamentally, too many times. It had almost stopped stinging and was...

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Strange Shores

# Strange Shores A story for Cornel Light rain patters down on the sandy beach, the tide is high and the only real light the primitive huts seen not far inland is provided by the moon and night sky starlight. This is a short list of the first...

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Chapter One: A new experience. Lolas alarm clock rang, it was time to get up, school started in about an hour. She sat on the edge of her bed trying to get the sleep out of her eyes, her red shoulder long hair was a big mess, fussy all over. The...

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Splintered Chromosomes Ch4

"What...what are you doing in here?" I demanded happy that my new fur was covering my blushing face. She took a couple of steps toward me. Her eyes flowing over me...

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david's college days part seven

It was almost the day of the wedding, David and his dad and Mr. STORM with Sarah and her parent's were fixing up Mr. STORM's old house it needed a bit of work mostly fixing the walls but also cleaning it up. David and Sarah both looked though the...

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david's college days part five

It was now getting to the half term holiday and Mr. STORM had arranged a sleep over in a spooky house, it was going to be cool, but little did they know it would be there last knight of not being afraid of thing that go bump in the night! The four...

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The Twins Went Nuts

Charlie sat in hir beanbag chair, naked. It was quite hot where shi was, even for a coyote like hir. Shi had finished hir Psycho Hound Ale (a name I just made up) and was too lazy to go get another. "Ah, man." Shi scoffed. "This heat's getting me all...

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Part Two: Sex Between Friends

Saereth groaned as she sank her massive length between the spread thighs of her best female friend, a shy dragoness named Tresh. Tresh had agreed to a friendly fuck with Saereth and Saereth's new endowment, and Saereth was savagely enjoying the...

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david's cllege days part twenty six

It had been a long day in the work place, seeing as David was back on the till he was reading one of his magazines that he got each mouth. This was his favourite of the two he got the other was on classics cars, it was yu-gi-oh cards mouthy and in one...

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Never Make Decisions on an Empty Stomach

Cameron sighed as he failed to take control of his tail and it's incessant thumping. He never could. It was just that sort of thing that he did when he was nervous. He sat on that crinkling paper that only gets louder as you wait on your doctor and...

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