Pokémon: Darkest Taboo, Pt24.

.** a few hours passed by as the lucario recovered her strength, the female runs her long tongue from along one side of her muzzle to the other before wriggling herself free from jack's arms the female lucario smiles gently as she reaches down to caress his

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Chapter 1: Raindrops on Roselias

To the female lucario. she opened her eyes and was obviously overjoyed at the thought, though she tried to hide it. he dismissed it as a desire to get warm as she scrambled to get under the covers with him and cuddled against his chest.

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Picking up the pieces

.~ a female lucario answered in brennus' mind as she glanced at lekan coming down the stairs of the temple and discretely started tailing him. "i assume it didn't go so well then?"

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Jason's Nightmare - Part 3

The female lucario was full of kindness and compassion, the soothing morning light seemingly adding to her beauty. she cradled baby jason in her arms, gently rocking him, hugging him and holding him close. "is this... a dream?"

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Chapter 1 - A Dark Day (Part 1)

I turned over the first pokémon and found it to be a female lucario she was missing her handspikes and her chest spike. they had been crudely gouged out with some sort of object; blood was flowing freely from the remaining holes.

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Challenge the Warmachine Chapter 1: Competition

But when they arrived at a clearing, they were greeted with the sight of one female lucario squaring off against two others.

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Pokémon: Darkest Taboo, Pt20.

The male pokémon growls between tightly clenched teeth as he fills this female's throat with his warm sticky cream, in his mind his human had become a female lucario and he was making her bare his off spring.

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Unfortunate Swampert

A smile spread across the female lucario's face. she pulled her foot back as far as it would go, and with all her might, hit him right in his sac containing his testicles. smack! splurt! lopunny gasped and covered her mouth.

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Medical Trial

The female lucario stood there idly in her navy blue pantsuit and briefcase. she combed back her long hair with her paw and stepped into the apartment.

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Chapter three

Understanding the female lucario stood in the break of the curtain, tears streaming down her face. arthur watched as she slumped down to her knees, visibly shaking from greif. "aura," was all he could say as he moved to comfort his first pokémon.

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Taste of Fire: Passionate Envy

Now that the thought was in his head, he looked over the female lucario's body. the curves were perfect, her fur was well groomed and she smelt faintly of a rose in the spring. how could he never see her this way before?

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Arada-chapter 4

### "excuse me, detective vasquez, i don't mean to interrupt, but the female lucario is awake, and asking for you." the doctor said with a strange tone in his voice. ### "you told her my name?"

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