Care Bear Magi Life Chapter 17

Anger heart eyed the blue mist warily. daniel sighed and stuck his hand into the mana. "oooh!" he jerked his hand back, "it feels like pins and needles." "like your hand fell asleep?" germaine asked. daniel just nodded.

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Denver Chapter 1 - Jaxon

Followed by a wolf emoji with heart eyes. "'just for fun'. typical fucking guy." i scoffed, in the process of closing the app. another message appeared reciting, "i love your profile too!

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Care Bear Magi Life Chapter 39

No-heart's eyes blazed as he stood, "you will not defeat me! i am no-heart!" "you're also alone." no-heart turned to see that flash heart bear had appeared behind him.

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Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 4: Chapter 20

Anger heart's eyes narrowed, "i've been promising my son for months that i would take him to paradise valley on his 11th birthday. he's finally old enough and he's been asking once a week since christmas.

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Care Bears Family Adventures, The Cold Wars c1

Suddenly, miracle heart's expression changed and she stared into passion heart's eyes with a look of concern. when she spoke her voice sounded more mature, even motherly. "passion heart, why are you doing this?

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The Saga of Fidonhaal - Daughters of the East - Religion & Spirituality (Appendix Sample 3)

The subjects of this symbolism include the heart, eye, mouth and hand of onu, as well as the maker's four breaths, which were breathed during the first processes of creation, by which spirit, wind, life and will were made.

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Care Bear Magi Life Chapter 13

Soul heart's eyes turned solid yellow for an instant as she spoke a single word and fired a ball of ice into the corridor, that exploded into a forest of spikes in the hallway.

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Defiant and Loyal Chapter 3

Loyal heart's eyes rolled back and his tongue hung out as he bucked against defiant heart until he came, feeling defiant do the same. it was awkward but relieving for both of them.

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Crafty Heart's Lucky 13 Chapter 2

Flamboyant heart's eyes instantly fill with tears. "w-what. that name... that's my mom's name." tears start flowing down flamboyant heart's cheek, "my mom died during my child birth i never got to meet her...

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"Family Tails" - Chapter 32

He saw in his heart's eye three groups of figures in a circle--humans, g.e.l.f.s, and animals--arranged like a wheel.

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Without Question

She took hold of the still firm cock with her heart eyes looking up at the wolf with such love and desire. the wolf looked down at her with a small smile and quirk of the brow, perhaps amused by her sincerity, "of course.

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Mighty Sex Force

The corrupted officer had a helpless expression on her face, her pink heart eyes practically begging the girls to use her body. two sisters timidly approached her. one reached out her hand aiming for patty's breast.

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