A Failed Duty - Chapter 11

Disclaimer: the following will contain homosexual individuals and relationships and may be an interesting commentary on life, death, immortality, god, gods and various religions.

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Krystal, Blaire and Mitch 6 - Out of the Frying Pan...

The step walls made escape impossible and the only way for a man to escape that agony would have been to take his own life. death by a pickaxe strike was neither fast or pleasant. fox's pick dug deep into the ground as he struggled to pull it back.

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Lunar Beasts [ Chapter One ]

Lunar beasts has werewolves, felines, and humans and it's about life, death, love, and war. this story is about a year old.. i recently found it (note book and saved online) and decided to find out what my watchers think.

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The Wolves of Gryning: Chapter 7

To life, death; to flame, shadow. but i am not evil, nor is light my enemy. do you understand?" with his final word he vanished into the fog, the form dissipating. without thinking, nashil fell to her knees and began to cry.

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A Failed Duty - Chapter 8

Disclaimer: the following will contain homosexual individuals and relationships and may be an interesting commentary on life, death, immortality, god, gods and various religions.

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A Failed Duty - Chapter 7

Disclaimer: the following will contain homosexual individuals and relationships and may be an interesting commentary on life, death, immortality, god, gods and various religions.

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Horse Sense and Dragon Tales

Magic can be measured, sunlightcan be measured, rainfall, the seasons, life, death; they can all be observedand measured. but a god, that is beyond our ability to perceive and quantify."  in his early days, this talk wouldhave made jon-tom's head spin.

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A Failed Duty - Chapter 13

Disclaimer: the following will contain homosexual individuals and relationships and may be an interesting commentary on life, death, immortality, god, gods and various religions.

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Twin Thalocs

Laughing, they let a part of themselves join and mingle with their creations, then left the planet to play elsewhere, to bring the gift of life - and through life, death - to other planets.

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The Adventures of Jacob Snow: Codex

The royal males relieve themselves by using a female demon as a receptacle for excess souls, which are born back into the ever spinning cycle of life, death, and rebirth.

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Second Childhood

As a beat cop working the streets he had faced high pressure situations and made life & death decisions. now as a captain at precinct 56 the pressure was even higher, and his life & death decisions also affected those under his command.

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The Anchor Holds

Our eternal life. death has no hold on us. we've no need to ever lie prostrate in the shadows. we'll lives in our lives in light. for we have it inside ... he put it there.

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