Within The Lab: A Shocking Lesson

The bars were nearly as thick as a human finger and looked out over the rest of the familiar lab as well as the compound that held both of the mexican wolves. even as she watched she felt a tremor of fear go through her.

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Within The Lab: Learning A Lesson

The mexican wolf. she'd spent hours upon hours on the phone with various centers and higher ups talking about transportation and if she could deliver.

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Within The Lab: The Breeding Stand

The notation stated she was working on a nocturnal project that involved the wolves and the labs newest acquisition a rare female mexican wolf.

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Valium & Vodka: Chapter Nine

Someone said, and aiden turned around to see a mexican wolf standing there, offering his hand. it was hector. "hey! yeah, you were good back there." they shook hands.

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Hot Spots

For example: my brother likes wolves, particularly brown-furred mexican wolves; my mother, an otter like myself of course, likes bears for whatever reason; i have a fox friend who's super into vixens, which is to be expected but still somewhat unusual; i'm

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Foreskin Deep

It seemed that he had taken on the colorings of a mexican wolf, though sage knew they had some hispanic ancestry. the sheath envelopment had converted hunter's head completely, but the change was starting to spread through the rest of his body.

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In The Doghouse: Chapter Four

mexican wolf. if i had any pictures of her, you would see the resemblance. we had a child together, and we named her lucy." "well, dude, it could just be a coincidence.

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What Was Broken [6]

Sean was somewhat surprised to notice that the tips of oda's ears were tufted, like those of a mexican wolf or lynx. how that detail had escaped his notice was rather jarring.

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Chapter 3 "The lessons we take"

The mexican wolf said with bluntly. "b-but am i coming later to read stuff with you-" the husky began, the wolf opening the door. "tomorrow. i remembered that i needed to talk to my dad. i forgot. he had something to tell. i'll be back later."

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Chapter 2 "Open your eyes"

Tio tampico was a mexican wolf, being the only family line in the vault since its very first functional day that spoke spanish. tio was a twenty-year-old, being the oldest one from their group.

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Silver-tongue - Chapter 2: She Can Hang

Nick crooked his head to the left, halting the latching of his belt, to find that alexander moreau, a meshed colored mexican wolf, was snickering with an equally grey, cream, and black swirled indian wolf, derek oppelt.

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Chapter 6 "Just another day of Fallout"

All he could do was to stare at tio, the quiet mexican wolf picking on his food again with distasteful expression all over him. he was always picky with food.

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