Love of the Dragon Ch. 13

"i am ryontha the red. we came as soon as we heard. young marie would not take no for an answer and i would not allow her out of my care. i have commended your doctors for doing the best they could, but a dragon's touch can go a long way.

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Pee Shy Chapter 4: Sweet Paralysis

red, we stop immediately, undo the ropes, and go into aftercare. black, you might be injured or in severe pain, so i cut the ropes immediately and prepare to call a medic.

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Through the Cracks - I Don't Exist But I Do Love

Most of them are nothing but entries crossed out with large x's, "3 1/2 lbs, straight, yellow tint," "3 lbs, rough bottom three points," "3/4 lbs, pecos diamond, pale red." "we convened back at the office with what was found in shadwell."

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Looking To The Stars: Episode 06 (Pokemon Trainer)

Pkt: --was loosely based on red, we... they are distinct characters. masahiro sakurai made it clear when he stated that only characters originating from video games are eligible for inclusion in brawl's roster.

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back to Beauty and the Beast!

Jake demanded pushing him away but red overpowered him keeping him pinned red: we both know you like it red said with a grin jake: and we both know that i don't and i'm not like you now stop it jake yelled at him but red ignored him as



Red shouted "red we can't do that move anymore" "oh right um.... supersonic attack" "excuse me?"

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Corruption Chapter one: The road trip.

I ended up growling slightly, face red. we both got dressed and ready. packing all our stuff back in the truck, damon went and payed. and we were back on the road again. multiple times damon started saying something, but stopped.

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Reunions Part 4

Tom's cheeks turned red. "we err... 'snuggled' last night." the fox stood in his place. "oh. wow. i didn't know you had a thing for huge guys. here i thought you were into me."

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Fav Teacher Chapter 10: Deck the halls.

"didn't hear you complain one bit babe...." he said continuing to tug down the others pants along with his boxers, making the kitty flush deep red. "we gotta be there in an hour...."

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Showdown in our world

Convoy pulling down black goggles that have a red vision and have a binocular function that can zoom in as this was going on red was trying to calm the parents down and ended up screaming at them to shut the hell up because they wouldn't stop panicking "red

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the magic school bus: things aren't always what they seem

Misses apple bottom: ok red we get it , your gay red: dam right i am , and proud of it ! tsume: ok so am i going to get a reward for being such a good little girl?


Love Lost, Chapter 22: Conclusions.

The lighting brightened and became distinctly red. "we will speak again, but for now, i want to rest. just remember, i'm rooting for you, and when you need me, i'll be there for you. whether you want me to be or not.

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