Smooth Talkin'

Even in a room of other special operators, he was a beast. and yet this little thing... this skinny, almost scrawny little tiger didn't flinch around him. all he asked for, when he entered, was a coffee and a whiskey and a toothbrush for afterward.

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Enter the Cat-Prolouge

101st special operations group? funny how we find ourselves here in this backwater place. you know these men, if you can really call them that, they fight their small wars. traffic their merchandise. but they lack something. do you know what that is?"

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Cosmic Stars - Chapter Twenty-One

Redding recognized her vaguely, but knew right away that she is part of the special operation forces like him. commodore sheila reynolds, commanding officer of the ship _pearl diver_.

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Wolves' Legacy 2: Chapter 11

"(i'm rhynsa vantwork, former special operations division of the schelkz monarch military and you should pay a goddamn respect or i'll blow your head off!)"

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Living in a shadow, part 1

He contemplated this on the walk home, and decided he would shoot for special operations, it felt like it would be the best fit, now how would he tell his dad?

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Perennial Creeper Classifications

#64 of legacy of the veiled stars one of the special operations officers had found an ancient text file. it is heavily corrupted but some of the texts was able to be translated.

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Galactic Conflict: Prologue,

I thought only officers and special operations forces got those. "damn you! get up off your furry ass!" he grabbed me by the straps of my bag, dragging me to my feet. he slaps me upside the head, "wake up you damned mutt!"

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Time of War Chpt 1

After a pause the infernape spoke up, "since when the fuck do they let paper pushers come back to special operations?"

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New Detail v.2

Some kinda special operative or something?" williams turns back to kihara, "you could say that. now radio in for extraction and i'll secure the prisoner." kihara returns back to now and answers reavers question, "yes i have sir."

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Furst Strike- Ch. 2: The Pentagon

We send them through basic, then special operations training. those who pass then are assessed on their skills. based on those, we transform them.

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Chapter Two - An Old Friend

She'd gone into special operations, never to be seen since. classified, all of it. no communication, no letters....maybe it was better that way. and now to see her, so close. he'd have to find her, even if it was just to...hell, just to talk.

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Cosmic Stars - Chapter Thirteen

"within the past hour, we received a message from one of our special operations soldiers, nishant gerbo. it was difficult to interpret but we've recovered enough audio to hear what he had to say."

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