Hide and Seek

More than that, however, the latex spread down his neck past his lab-coat, and as it spread, changes began to occur.

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Latex Story: Hide and Seek

More than that, however, the latex spread down his neck past his lab-coat, and as it spread, changes began to occur.

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The Noxious Change

Like wildfire, the filth spreads, changing to a downy brown coat of fur, spreading across his already stinking skin, and licking up the odor of fox stank--making it permanently his own smell.

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Stolen Heart of Fire chapter 16

The rock gave off a soft glow that steadily grew and spread changing the color of the water. the mixture and the steam that arose from it soon gave off the same purple glow as the rock.

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Slayer or Layer: Chapter 6

In and out, in and out the drake went, and each thrust contributed to the already-spreading changes along his body.

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The scout was confused, even as the infection continued to spread, changing its eyes from their glorious multifaceted complexity two simple orbs. not only was it restricted to two facets, but it also had a vastly narrowed spectral range.

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Best Laid Plans

The spreading changes had looped around to his other side as well; markky's balls were swelling in his sack, surpassing the size of golf balls as they throbbed with virility.

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Power of Suggestion

spreading, changing." the young man chuckled. "horse shit. you are horse shit." chip was barely conscious now, the sensation of warm numbness making him sleepy even as he built to a sexual climax. horse shit.

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Wasp Transformation

The green color that had spread change throughout her body was nearing her feet as she continued to watch in the mirror, her pleasure mounting as she groaned softly, biting her lips between her teeth.

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A Kobold's Heart

He would be a representative of the white dragon f'rayos, and one of the first kobolds that would dare to spread change around the world. vikas, high inquisitor to the archdragon f'rayos. the little kobold smiled, tail twitching at the thought.

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Wolf Companion TF Spell Story

You ask as you back away just slightly, pretending to be engaging in a simple conversation while you mask looking around the area casually in order to take a look at the spreading changes across your new companion's body.

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Stuck Like This

What's more alarming the tingling is beginning to spread. changes begin to occur. "you are holding the tiresion, fool thief." yinzul says, continuing his spell.

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