The Lost City of Otzohua (Chapters 6-7)

#4 of tf/tg stories flux, an amateur archaeologist fox, is given one last chance to uncover the lost city of otzohua before his funding is cut by his rich, eccentric benefactor, mr. clayton the bulldog.

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In the Mooood- A Cow MtF TF/TG

Alan often made questionable choices when he got bored. As he looked at the glimmering air in front of him, he had to admit, coming here was one of them. He walked at the border of the light in the creeping dusk, brushing his fingers against it,...

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TransformaniaTime: Ian McGraw

I didn't see any kitsune transformaniatime characters, so i decided to adapt yoshielder's character script for lucas robertson into a kitsune tf/tg, since i knew that lucas robertson's script was good, and i decided

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Livestock [Feral TF/TG]

The breakfast table was set. Susan had spent thirty minutes cooking for her teen daughter Tina, the same breakfast she made everyday. She made the eggs over-easy, the only way Tina would eat them; she made the bacon just crispy enough...

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Marked [Feral TF/TG]

_SNAP_ There goes the leash... Megan had been taking care of Sweetie for a few weeks now. Sweetie had been her parents dog before they both passed away, and so Megan was given the task of taking care of their estate until the will was settled. This...

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The Cattery- A Cat TF/TG

The cattery had always been around, since before any of the neighbours could remember. Last year, someone had even posted some ancient newspaper clipping on Facebook with the same house and a horde of cats from a time everything surrounding it was...

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Salazzle'd (Salazzle TF/TG)

Travis woke with a groan, his head throbbing fiercely like he'd been clocked by a hard metal object. Which, to the best of his recollection, had been the case. His mind was so fuzzy from the pain that he couldn't be certain. The edges of the room...

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Opener (Panthy TF/TG)

It was a big night for Josh. It was his first performance ever, and in front of lots of people. Needless to say he was quite nervous. Josh eagerly waited for his queue to head backstage and prepare. Not only was it his first live act, he was opening...

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A Little Bit of Help (Anthro Cockatoo TF/TG)

E-commission for catprog , who wanted an anthro cockatoo tf/tg. i was left with majority of the reigns for the rest of it. it was quite fun to write. tyler was sitting on a park bench, reading a novel.

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The Lost City of Otzohua (Chapters 4-5)

#3 of tf/tg stories flux, an amateur archaeologist fox, is given one last chance to uncover the lost city of otzohua before his funding is cut by his rich, eccentric benefactor, mr. clayton the bulldog.

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Lucky dog. Part 2

Part 2: getting started "Okay, for starters, your chosen breed of dog, some sort of mix with droopy ears, white and light brown fur, and short nose." "yes, that's right" "choice of location: up to me," "I trust you'll make it fun, but do try and give...

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Unusual Results - Prolouge (NEW VERSION)

So yes; my first tf tg story continues! immense thank you's for those patient enough to have waited for updates on this series. i will try to get another chapter out by next week if not friday.

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