the quest for safety chapter 1

I woke up in a white room, a large black room was placed on the wall in front of me with two speakers attached to opposite sides of the silver paneling securing the screen to the wall.


The Weight of a World: Chapter One

#2 of the weight of a world the weight of a world by: psycho fox chapter 1: the white room a sleeping girl's eyes slowly open as she sat up from her small cot in the corner of a white room and rubbed her face.

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Dr. Change's Next Subject

No matter who was right, he had to get out of this blinding white room with the small window in it.

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Human Experimentation: Redux: With the Trials, Comes Friendship

\*\///\* 15 minutes later the group consisting of john, issac, skaroth, chloe, and a hurt fiad traveled the large white room. isaac had explained that the room had gotten bigger after haiden had been woken up.

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tails of mana:chapter 1 Luna

I looked around, it was a plain white room,nothing special,just a lot of white,i felt hands wrap around my waist as she hugged my back.

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chapter 3

My dad jumped up and run down stairs grabbing his phone and called 911 and he ran to me and said don't move okay. next thing i hear is a big scream and everything went black a few weeks later i woke up in a white room with a bright light shinning in my eyes

Joined in Mind and Body - Chapter 6

The door slid open, revealing a plain white room. the lights came on as the door opened, and the air in the room smelled stale, as if this room had not been opened in a long time.

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some new friends for Tye

After that tye led ferron and hyeed to the simulator room "ok you guys go into that white room over there i have to contact dachii before we go in." tye said as he was typing on the keyboard in front of him.

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The Divide

The blank white room was not well lighted. the other figure, now in light, was a slightly younger man, still had brown hair on his head, and a bit of a stubble around his chin. both of the men wore suits."i can tell this is going to be well isn't it mr.

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Abused 4

"i'm rex" sasha woke up in an all-white room,a hospital room. she couldn't feel anything. if she couldn't look down and see her limbs,she would think they were gone. pain killers. sasha thought. sasha sat up and looked around.

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Prologue Tree Of Life

As days go by of the white room the young child lays. the child will look around and see a one way window as he saw his arm with a small bar code and his name dea and a number .

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Second Chance

Page 3: girl waking in a sterile white room. a blanket draped over her chest and body, sitting up a little.

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