The Diary of Balto Mercer Ch.1 Part 1

"let's see, that's about ten metric tons of assorted food, fifty cases of alcohol, diapers, clothes, and cosmetics?" "all the same and here are my things." he handed it over. "that'll be 50,000 dollars."

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The Procrastinators Dilemma

The sun looks sick and diseased in the backround, it's light a pale and ghastly yellow, spilling over the stark white piece of paper before me. I breathe a sigh of frustration. The pen is cold and slippery in my clammy palm, as if even it didn't want...

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un simple rêve

Darkrey était endormi dans son lit ,il revait à des femelles furry Le rêve était dans un bar à hotesse : -alors monsieur darkrey ,vous avez une femme dans votre vie dit l'hotesse qui était visiblement une chatte -non,ça fait longtemp que je m'essaie...

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The lonely ones cht 1 meeting for the first time

Umbreon cough a little as he started getting a little sick from the alcohol. how dare you call me a whore you child reject. then out of the blue umbreon said stop!

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Downward Spiral

See, alcohol followed me around like a lovesick puppy and i was all to happy to feed it and give it shelter every night after work.

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A Dragon's Diary 09.08

Anyways, we drank, and as my friend, zoiryss, was quite drunk, i flew over with him to his cave, while both of us failing to flap, as the alcohol took over our senses, and said goodbye to him.

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Beer Goggles

I sat in the darkest corner of the tavern, my back to the wall as was my standard procedure. Well, actually I was two tables away from the darkest corner of the tavern, as that spot was already taken by some pretty mean looking Orsimer, and the next...

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Bad Joke

Given his recent success at life in general, rowan decided it would be a good idea to visit a bar and drown his thoughts with just enough alcohol; perhaps some fresh air and some random faces could help him feel a little better.

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Potion Cat: Left Alone to Review

No more alcohol, and hopefully she wouldn't have such negative thoughts again.

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Good Enough/Crossroads Chapter 18

Good Enough/Crossroads--The Assault Coach Salt had returned Friday, but Chance was positive that he was mentally absent. His halfhearted instruction and bleary eyes hadn't gone unnoticed by the majority of the class. He called the class to gather...

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LS&DT | Prologue

"_Manchmal wünschte ich, du wärst verdammt nochmal tot, Axel_!" "_UND DU DENKST, ICH WÜNSCHE MIR DAS NICHT GENAUSO, FIRA?! DU DENKST, ICH WILL NOCH LÄNGER MIT DIR LEBEN_?" Samuel sits in silence, lingering in the front yard, unable to comprehend the...

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Angel Wore Blue: Chapter 3

I snapped, plunging the bottle of alcohol into my lips. angel stared at me silently, putting her fork down slowly. i glanced over at her, because that stare was starting to get on my nerves. "what?"

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