The Spyro Chronicles Chapter 22: The Archilles

Anderson managed to bring his smg to bear and he blocked the swing and locked himself in a stalemate with the ape. though the ape was shorter it managed to keep on anderson. anderson finally let up, allowing the ape to fall into his own weight.

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Koko Got Big Banana (gorilla x human)

And no girls, you are here to train the ape! if the ape uses the 'koko wants to sleep' button you can go too. if he uses it all the time then he doesn't like you and that hampers his test scores. so ze ape has to like you and he is choosy.

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Episode 001: Comes the Thunder - part 2

The ape shouted "i don't want to die here!" and the buzzing was just getting louder as the light in the bulbs intensified. the ape was in complete panic, bernie was also scared, but he knew who to deal with it far better. "no, no, no!

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Siblings of Corruption - Prologue 3-3

He began to zone in on the ape, descending lower to the ground as he began to catch up. he sped forward and tackled the ape down to the ground, watching as the ape began to turn around, keith let out a surprised gasp. "you're not him..."

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Scent of a Silverback (gorilla x human)

Koko was ze quiet withdrawn ape. he puts himself bottom-rank with humans and apes alike. but now he challenges me, ze silverback of ze lab. a whole range of behaviors has opened now for us to observe.

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The Legend of Spyro: Origins_Chapter 19

"i think that you are an ape, and that you are inventing all of this to let you go. i won't be deceived that easily" "i'm not lying! i'm a human" "you are an ape!" "if i were, then why would i be fighting that other ape?"

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Tyler the dragon: Needy moon

Under the bushes, a dozen apes come into view. "ewww, what are those?" luna inches away with a disgusted look on her face. "those are apes, and they were hunting me." answers tyler, his eyes switch from the pony to the apes, and back.

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Diaper Lab: Ch 2

Roughly, he pushes up the warm, white, mound into the big ape ass, "you just pooped your diaper, boy! it doesn't matter that it's oatmeal!" he said out loud, furthering the ape's horrible predicament.

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Fallen Worlds

I asked the nearest ape guard. "follow me." he ushered as he began walking down the hall. i followed the ape for a good ten minutes before we finally arrived at a large balcony. "dragons take off here."

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Chapter: 7 The Silence

He turned and kicked the ape in the side of the head sending him sliding across the floor into the wall. "they're not monkeys, they're apes?!" cynder yelled back as she did a back flip using the tip of her tail to slice an ape's neck.

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The Legend of Spyro: Origins_Chapter 34

As if sensing danger, gaia jumped away from the ape just as two apes brought down their weapons where she had been moments before. the attack destined for the dragoness ended killing up the ape that gaia was atop of.

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