A Little Rumor

Copyright © [2022] by [Rain - Dragonien] All rights reserved. No portion of this written work may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the publisher or author, except as permitted by U.S. copyright law. This includes,...

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Expensive Toys

_Copyright © [2022] by [Rain - Dragonien]_ _All rights reserved._ _No portion of this written work may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the publisher or author, except as permitted by U.S. copyright law. This includes, but...

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No Growing In The Library

* * * Copyright © [2022] by [Rain - Dragonien] All rights reserved. No portion of this written work may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the publisher or author, except as permitted by U.S. copyright law. This includes,...

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Checked Mate - WriteTober 2022 #2

"Check." Angel declared, unable to keep a grin off of his muzzle. Nicole glared up at the rabbit before turning to look across the chessboard once more. Her eyes darted back and forth as she worked to figure out what her best move was. It...

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Lounging Goddess - WriteTober 2022 #1

"Mmm..." The lioness purred happily to herself. "This is the life..." Her jaws spread wide in a lazy yawn as she languidly stretched herself out. Her toes clenched until each joint popped, eliciting a blissful sigh from their owner with each...

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Moonlight Research

* * * _Copyright © [2022] by [Rain - Dragonien]_ _All rights reserved._ _No portion of this written work may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the publisher or author, except as permitted by U.S. copyright law. This...

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Irresistible Temptations

* * * _Copyright © [2022] by [Rain - Dragonien]_ _All rights reserved._ _No portion of this written work may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the publisher or author, except as permitted by U.S. copyright law. This...

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One-Night Smash

**One-Night Smash** _By Dragonien_ _ _ "Quiet, you're gonna get us in trouble!" "You worry too much." the pair of hushed voices echoed through the dimly lit warehouse, rebounding off the walls with that eerie resonance only a large space devoid...

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Storm Caller

**Storm Caller** _By Dragonien_ _ _ Have you ever been struck by lightning? Honestly, it's not as bad as most people think. Don't misunderstand, it's absolutely awful and no one should ever experience it if they can avoid it. But the searing...

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Dragonien and Acheroth's Growth War

**Dragonien and Acheroth's Growth War** _By Dragonien_ _ _ It was a night like all others and all through the tower experiments were strewn that thrummed with magical power. The wards were hung by the doors with care, to ward off bandits with no...

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Meega Bigger

**Meega Bigger** _By Dragonien_ "Me, And my giant sidekick!" The words came out in a forced, gravely tone of voice clearly mocking the way they had been originally said. A chortle of laughter followed after them, the sound echoing off the...

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Who's Bigger Now?

**Who's Bigger Now?** _By Dragonien_ _ _ _ _ "Ok, Ok You're bigger I get it!" Reuben exclaimed desperately, voice slurred from vertigo and dizziness. "Put me down!" For the fourth time in the last few minutes the poor yellow-furred experiment...

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