My Daddy has Nine Tails

Female Vulpix kit who is just coming of age/her male Ninetales daddy Author note: ***I am sorry for abandoning all of you amazing and light-hearted furry people for so very long on this site! I've just been evolving my life a great deal and working...

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Overheated: Realizations And Heated Relations

Overheated: Realizations And Heated Relations   Male human/female Flareon.   Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the...

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Overheated: Teach An Eevee

Overheated: Chapter 1, Teach An Eevee   This first chapter is female trainer/male Eevee,  It will become male trainer/female Flareon in later chapters!   Overheated: Teach An Eevee   Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings,...

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Confessions of an Espeon: A Trainers Love

Perspective switch to Espeon's trainer* Male human/ female Espeon sexings Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author....

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Confessions of an Espeon

*So I had to write a story about one my most favorite pictures in the world done by the Japanese artists Mumu <3  I will put it in the story and have her do the pose in the...

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Riding Rutting Raichu

Male human/female Raichu sexings Special thanks to my friend Gouka for helping me edit and encouraging the dominant overtones >  Go check his stuff out!  I really recommend his Leafeon story... ;3 * * * * * *...

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Learning By Doing

**This is a love story between a female Eevee pupil of life and her overly analytical Flareon father~** **\* \* \*** **"Learning by doing"** Eevee of age just didn't know what it was, these new feelings of warmth all up in a buzz. Father Flareon...

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Dark Furred Desires

**Two perfect little Eevee pupils** **manipulate one helpless Umbreon teacher into** **sex education~** **\* \* \*** **Dark Furred Desires** "Umby umby Umbreon! Can you pleeease show us how to do that one tail whip attack thingy again?!" A little...

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Six Tails, One Pichu

**A heating female Vulpix, a curious male Pichu cub. She's kind of a naughty fox and attempts to dominate him, but he quickly becomes infatuated with her and couldn't care less~** **\* \* \*** **Six Tails, One Pichu** It was Vulpix's second heat,...

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Catch a Heat, Win a Heart

**A young Vulpix is in heat~ Mating and incest ensues as male and female cums together. Vul!~** **\* \* \*** **Catch a Heat, Win a Heart** The higher pitched voice of a young female Vulpix happily sounded in the air as two forms sporting crimson,...

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Chibi MagiK

In a world dominated by anthropomorphic chibi animals, power is sought through brawn, cunning, and magic. Some seek strength through taming one of the many feral animals that run rampant throughout the world, many of which can possess untold and...

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In Heat We Lust, Episode 4

**In Heat We Lust** **Episode 4: In Rut I Thrust** **Vex-** I wake up in a happy daze to the feeling of a warm furred body pressed against me; everything in the world seeming wonderful and amazing, but I don't know why... Opening my eyes I am met...

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