The Pondering of Zudomon II

The moon's light shone down on the beach. On the soft sand, the quiet figure of the walrus-like Zudomon rested, his body covered in the dried cum from his earlier session. His chest heaved upwards along his gentle breathing, unaware of the world around...

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How To Get The Job

The elevator's doors opened and Brian stepped out. The large, muscular crocodile nervously looked around as many people walked around the office with hurried steps, their minds too focused on their work to pay any attention to him. Despite his massive...

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The Pondering of Zudomon

A quiet night on the beach. The moon reflected on the quiet, glass-like surface of the sea as a massive creature walked around on the sand. A gray-skinned walrus-like giant with a large spiked shell over his back and a mask of orange fur covering his...

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Enter Dark Armed Dragon! Rath's Perverted Playstyle

In the quiet of the night, as a gentle breeze flew through the lonely stadium, a single figure stood alone in the middle of the sleek black floor of the stage; one lone, tall, rather well-built dragon, covered from head to toe in soft white fur, hidden...

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Staying the Birthday Night

For a while now, the room had been filled with the sound of screaming, moaning, grunting, panting, the sound of flesh slapping on sensitive flesh... Among other things. Most of these sounds came from the sweaty mass that was the gray wolf, Joey, as he...

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After Staying the Night

"Wowowow! Say what again!?" "Joey and I are dating," the large parrot repeated while the wolf he was allegedly dating sat next to him, his hands covering his blushing face. "Daf- Wha- No!" Raz, the equally large red dragon screamed indignated,...

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Staying the Night

"_It sure is a rainy night,_" thought Stan as he stepped into the small diner. The muscular parrot/eagle/whatever looked around as he folded his umbrella; the diner's movie-like environment gave a rather cozy and welcoming feeling. He took off his...

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Leather Pet

Lights flashed and music roared as several sweaty, shirtless, muscular bodies clashed against one another in what they called 'dancing'. Finally able to make his way through them, Crisp landed on a stool in front of the bar, exhausted. The wolf looked...

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Of Weddings and Other Things

"Breath in... Breath out... In... Out... Good, just like that. Keep it up. How are you feeling?" "Like my whole body is on fire!" Jerome howled, his fur standing on edge as the minutes of effort it took for his breathing to ease went to waste when he...

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Graduation Month

The heavy drum of falling water filled the goat's ears, its hollow noise bouncing off the walls and mixing with the sigh that left his lips now that he could finally relieve himself of a long day of stress. Last time he took summer courses, and this...

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Big Brother Hugs and Plus

Huffing and bothered panting were the only things that could be heard in that room and, quite ironically, they only came from the laptop's screen, where a hulking dinosaur man enjoyed some 'quality time' with an equally large tiger, his massive...

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Graduation Day

One more year went by. Yet, as the students threw their caps in the air and flooded out of the hall, screaming in celebration of the beginning of their adulthood, it seemed no different from any other year, or even from how they would just push out of...

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