Tony's Room - Commando

At long last!! Four drafts and 2 years later, I have finally completed the next chapter! I hope I did alright, it's been a long, long while :\ Contains sexy stuff and underage characters. Read at your own risk! And Enjoy :3 Tony's Room - Commando ...

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Tony's Room - Bath

Warning: This story contains gay incest and underage themes...again. It also has watersports, so if that's not your thing, you don't have to read it. Enjoy ;3 Trevor padded down the hall to the bathroom, and Tony followed behind him. Tony watched...

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Tony's Room - Static

Warning: The following story contains gay incest and underage characters. Read at your own risk. Enjoy :3 Tony flipped through channels on his TV, not paying attention to anything in particular. All it did was take his mind off of other...

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Tony's Room - Glass

Warning: There is no sexual content in this story, but strong language and mature themes are used. Read with caution and enjoy :3 Six Years Ago... Tony sat on his bed, hugging his pillow. Somewhere downstairs, something smashed against a...

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Tony's Room - Kisses

Warning: The following story contains gay incest and underage characters. Read at your own risk.  Enjoy :3 It had been several weeks after Tony had had the inner conflict between his love for his brother and the repercussions of such...

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Tony's Room - Magic Nines

Warning: The following story contains gay incest and underage characters. Read at your own risk.  Enjoy :3 Tony is 15 and in the 9th grade. Trevor is 9 and in the 4th grade. Trevor was always the first one to arrive home from...

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How to Disappear Completely and Never Be Found

**(Author's Note: I'd like to apologize in advance for those expecting another short erotic story and also for the content included in the following story. I'm not terribly proud of this one and it did come from a dark place inside but I felt like I...

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Father's Day Breakfast

Sunlight slowly leaked into the bedroom, casting a reddish glow across the bed. A large, grown wolf was sprawled out on his back on top of the covers with a young, black and white bunny cub curled up next to him, the sheets lying forgotten and kicked...

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Closing Time

Mr. Booker flipped the door sign over from Open to Closed as the Sun outside began its downward trail in the west. There would still be enough daylight for a few hours and Summer would be able to get home without any trouble. He closed the blinds and...

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Twilight Hours

The last week of summer vacation was always hard on Summer. September was right around the corner, which meant that days would grow shorter, the weather would cool down, and worst of all school would start again. It also meant that he would have to...

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In Jonathan's opinion there was no finer day than Saturday. It didn't matter the time of day or the time of year because Saturday was the only day in the week that he and his dad, Benjamin, had time off together. His mother worked Saturday's which...

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Coming Out over Ice Cream

Weatherton's Ice Cream Shoppe had been a staple tradition of the Dunn family for as long as James Dunn could remember. It was a Dunn family tradition that if relatives came up to visit or there was a special occasion, a trip to Weatherton's would...
