Slutcat and Sworddog #16

She bought a couple of spell-books as well, then turned back around and sold the shopkeeper some more odds and ends she'd brought back from the barrow as well. | [!

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Acts of Infinity

Not that barrow manipulated the mouse, but ... he massaged his mind in the right ways. to give them both pleasure. and, again, what was wrong with that? who drew the lines, anyway? just paw, barrow.

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Price of Peace 2

Through gritted teeth, barrow nodded his head weakly, "you... you will see me again, captain." tallian leant over his friend, pressing his forehead against barrow's, his eyes closed, tears falling onto his friend's face.

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Slutcat and Sworddog #13

It was a good sound in the lonely barrow. "probably the same thing as regular paramecium. there comes a point that there's really not much difference." | [!

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2.7 - Best Behavior

"i know all about barrow. we've met. i ferried him out here when the high command first took ownership of the station.

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Victory for the Romantic Muse

And barrow confirmed them later, and ... " airy, wispy giggles escaped the mouse's muzzle, and then he held his breath. "oh," he went, and he put his paws together.

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2.4 - No Return

barrow! oh, barrow, stop! i'm going to forget myself. don't let me drown in you. don't let ... oh, god. his fangs in her neck, inches deep. his breath rushing down her throat. they'd been linked for nearly a minute, now.

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Ever Onward

Probably helping barrow in sickbay. oh, she thought of him, and the danger he was in. and how she wanted him here, in her view. so she could keep her eye on him. he was her love. the father of her child.

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3.7 - Lightning in a Snow Storm

And it shouldn't have been barrow's business, either. barrow sensed field's reservations and looked back to him. "come on, mouse. my species was born with these powers. why should i let society dictate how i use what evolution wants me to use?

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A Funeral For A Horse

"the mute says your brother has a strong spirit, he can stay so long as he stays outside the barrow." paavali relayed, nodding at the little fox. "i know, paavali, i can read what sana says."

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1.2 - Team Effort

Right," barrow said. he could've used his telepathy to determine that. but, sometimes, in the heat of the moment, it was easier to ask.

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3.5 - Strange Bedfellows

barrow and our syndicate guests have extracted all the information from her mind they can without ... abandoning decorum," she said, delicately. barrow glanced at his mate, directing his thoughts into her mind.

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