Dragon Story Ch: 1

A fire breather would grow mad as the blaze within boiled their mind. flicker watched the dragon for a moment, her expression was relaxed. she showed no fear, but moved towards him.

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Stone and Wolf (Part 4)

"that enough of a breather? let's get to that castle!" as he said this, and crag started off once more, lyke looked back at the mountains. they had made it out of the pass. _how much farther is this castle?_ he thought.

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The Dark Fair, chapter 7: Good morning!

Once kyle finished taking his dose of nutrients, he felt the breather stop, and the rubber mask being finally pulled off his head.

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Entering the Abyss: Shore Leave

"just figured we should take a breather, i was searching through the planet database and found a nice tropical resort planet within a days travel." kitt explains with a smirk on his muzzle.

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Nowhere to go but up

She pulled back for a breather and tried to lean in to follow her but her small had on his chest stopped him cold. kaytlin looked back over her shoulder and called to someone standing just out of sight. "get in here and close the door becca."

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618 The Siege-Mistress

It appears plain text is the winner over more geologic timeframes. ~\*~ the last part is the most hair-raising, which is why she stopped and took a breather while things were still only at the level of impersonating an officer.

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Vera's Assistant

Gotta say, weren't expecting to deliver 'em to you of all fire-breathers. you remember ms. o'hynna, don't you, rob? maybe this time she won't have to fight your battles for you." barnaby said. he sneered at robert.

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My Life as A Dragon Slave Book 2 Chapter 10 Pt. 1

Sea serpents, wind flyers, fire breathers and earth crawlers... they were just the basic names for us.

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Future Vision: Chapter 11

He took a mental breather knowing now that he was going to have to bring up the subject. he look down and gathered his thoughts the best he could, it was than however that gp did the unthinkable.

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i'm a scarecrow, not jesus

\*\*a/n: unlike nearly all my writing on here, this one has no yiff in it. this is actually a suicide oneshot. i'm taking a breather from all the sex. this is not within the timeline of the rest of the oneshots. it's just randomly here. as always, i crave


Sibling x Girlfriend Side-Stories - Guy Time

Dane rolled over onto his belly, resting his head on the armrest and taking a little breather.

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awake chapter1

Fire, but then twilight told me what your name ment" i gave her anougher flat stare " i knew that you must be kind like spike here and not like other dragons" "thank you fluttershy i accept that apology but one question, what makes you think im an fire breather

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