Chapter XXI: Our Light

chronos snorted. "no. that is why i am doing this."

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Chapter X: Ashes of the Past

He was injured by harm chronos." her eyes narrowed dangerously. "chronos killed a dozen priests including the bishop in the cathedral and arranged their bodies in a pile before the altar.

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Let the Games Begin

chrono replied with a grin. "there's a reason i volunteered for this, it's all good and fun. you do what you need to do." artemis nodded and began his move, ordering chrono out into the middle of the board.

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time travellers pt 7

Go heal chrono and frog while i try to heal robert." "robert?" "go!" "ok!" as chrono and frog were being healed; caroline was healing the wounds on robert.

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Alistair and the All-Purpose Umbrella: Episode 1: Chapter 1

The chrono constabulary was established near the edge of explorable time and right on the third planet of the sol system no less. the year our story takes place is 2997, relative time, in the chrono constable's headquarters.

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Rubber Recruitment (2/2)

"you see," renzyl said as the two helped chrono helped him onto his back, "chrono is always willing to help out our new recruits, and as you can tell he's somewhat used to being tied up like this."

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Accursed Dragon: Guardians of the Four Seasons: Part 1: The Tree of Time: Coven's Brothers

chronos said pulling coven out of earshot of the three other dragons. "i didn't want to say this in front of the other dragons, but i think you should know this." chronos began.

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time travellers pt 6

"chrono come quickly! me throw you at thing." ayla yelled. "ok."chrono replied and when he got to ayla, she grabbed his feet and began to spin with him.

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Chapter XVIII: Second Sun

They had all seen the extent of chronos' machinations, some more personally than most.

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An Unlikely Alliance (1/4)

And look who else it is, last time i saw you chrono you were hanging upside down getting expelled from one of my plants." "right..." chrono huffed slightly as the naga leaned down and also gave him a kiss on the muzzle.

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