It's Always Time - Chapter Eight: A Way so Familiar
Galatea's attention was focused on something behind her, her goofy smile sharpening into a wicked grin, her nose bobbling like samantha stephen's as she cast a spell on her hapless husband darrin, her breath perfumed with the scent of green-apple flavored
A Good Person
"it's that little ass wipe who beat down darrin last week. why don't we get some revenge for him?" the overconfident beast lumbered towards him, flanked on either side by two much smaller subordinates.
08b - The Song of the Otter - Part 2
darrin peterson is actually the most qualified, but he's a..." nathaniel leaned in toward the humans and whispered, "... a werewolf. you know... one of those." stacey looked dumbstruck at the two bears. finally, she spoke. "wha... what?"
Snowlit Dawn - Through the Starry Abyss (Book 1)
"plenty of room for you, me, and darrin!" "it's dorrin!" ellia, dorrin and saril shouted at once in response, but the vulpin barely recoiled.