What Was Broken [9]

## What Was Broken - Chapter 9 Sean awakened with a start, his body twitching and jerking with an explosion of breath. The room was a depthless black void, silent but for the rattling glee of the unabated air conditioner plunging the safe house to a...

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What Was Broken [8]

The paladin vanquished his opponents within the remnants of the empire he had been bred, born, and raised to protect, and led the remnants to defeat the planet-destroying adzandi.

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What Was Broken [7]

## What Was Broken - Chapter 7 "No further questions, your honor." Le'thal bowed toward the stand and withdrew. Sean heaved a long sigh and straightened his suit coat. It was not as sweat soaked as he had thought it would be after the prosecutor's...

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What Was Broken [6]

## What Was Broken - Chapter 6 "The prosecution would like to call Mister Sean Garret to the stand." Le'thal intoned portentously with a slight turn to point out where Sean sat alone in the first row of the gallery. Through the morning the defense...

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What Was Broken [5]

## What Was Broken - Chapter 5 He was given his phone back when they made their way out, standing in a line of others waiting for their own restricted devices. Anthony was still on edge about the twisting of his testimony and said little while they...

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What Was Broken [4]

## What Was Broken - Chapter 4 Though awake, more or less, Sean did not move for a few moments. He was too comfortable, despite the aged lumpiness of the too-thin mattress of the bed and the fact that the air conditioner had kicked back on at some...

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What Was Broken [3]

## What Was Broken - Chapter 3 Oda, like any good government employee, drove the fleet sedan like he stole it, both on the highway and the barely-a-road dirt track leading down the canyon. They left a towering plume of dry Nevada dust in the air...

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What Was Broken [2]

## What Was Broken - Chapter 2 Saturday night was spent relaxing around Sean's barbeque, sharing stories over beers while the human seared the meat to the perfection of canine tastes; that being nearly raw. Lazy begged out, explaining that he had to...

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What Was Broken [1]

## What Was Broken - Chapter 1 The silence was not - quite - absolute. Crickets did, after all, chirp. Somewhere in the distance the whisper of highway traffic filtered through the trees. A dog barked at something, somewhere, as dogs are ever wont...

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Worlds Collide

I submitted this draft as an initial post for possible publication but it was rejected on length... too long. \*LOL\* A second submission cut out a lot but was still quite a bit too long and I chose not to present it here. Edit: August, 2010. ...

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Cease Fire

Cogs in a vast machine of war, bent on destroying the dogs of cherbyn for reasons voss was not cogent of. just because they were dogs, after a fashion, and not humans? that could not really the sole reason, but voss suspected it was.

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White Knights [Final]

At the hospital Sean was wheeled into a trauma room and put under the clinical regard of a no-nonsense staff of medical professionals. They reduced the battered remnants of his expensive suit to so many rags with practiced ease as they worked him over...

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