Enter Rayfall

My parents owned a restauraunt in town. my mom was the cook, while my dad helped where he could, fixing stoves if they broke down or balancing the business accounts. nephilla and i became waitresses.

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Ithel (parody)

They had closed down the entire restauraunt/brothel for ithel's birthday so fortunatly there was almost no one there. the last to leave was ithel's boss, tsu li. "if you damage store, taking it out of your paycheck!"

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Zombie Apoc-Fur-Lypse. The Setting: Ratherbigshire, UK

It has a dozen restauraunts, almost two hundred stores, and a cinema.

Saved by a Lucario Chapter 1

Sunflower's restauraunt when he noticed the lucario helping an old man carry his groceries. it was only one bag, sure, but it looked too heavy for the man to carry anyway.

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What Was Broken [7]

## What Was Broken - Chapter 7 "No further questions, your honor." Le'thal bowed toward the stand and withdrew. Sean heaved a long sigh and straightened his suit coat. It was not as sweat soaked as he had thought it would be after the prosecutor's...

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The Guilded Cage, Ch 13

Located on the main street leading from the nicest part of st almar's residential district the city center, the upscale restauraunt and bar was the finest of any the city had to offer and, despite him being a beastkin, nobody said a word-- about him

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Mega Trainer Chapter 11

"a restauraunt?" sky said questioningly. "aren't pokemon not allowed in those?" "this restaurant is special." he said, kneeling down next to them. "it's expensive, but they make special dishes for both trainers and pokemon."

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Pawford, Ch 4: It's Always About Elizabeth

I explained, "i found the right ring; i made reservations at our favorite restauraunt; all our friends knew what i had planned... it was going to be perfect."

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Savannah Blues Part 6

The sun was reaching its peak and he was in high spirits as he opened the door to the small pub like restauraunt. the warm air was something that was seen much in the northwest and it was a refreshing change from the rain only a day ago.

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Our Love So Pure Part Three: Wedding Day

" ~ ~ the next day was more of the same; making long phone calls about when and where we were going to have the wedding, appointments for clothes, food, and restauraunts.


Friends with Needs

I couldn't find the restauraunt and i knew five minutes into the date that she was not my kind of woman. she had good morals and she wants to have a family some day, but she had no sense of humor." srendt raises his hands in defeat.

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