The Hype Industries Super Clones Instruction manual

We at hype industries noticed that retaliating clones tend to "square up" or prepare to pounce their owners.

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Magnus Chronicles: Ancients Awakening: Chapter 5

The two Vulpkin and their reluctant Saurkin companion made their way south, a pure blue and cloudless sky was revealing itself through the now parting forest canopy. Ferne could see far off into the distant landscape again, where the countryside...

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Magnus Chronicles: Ancients Awakening: Chapter 4

"Lets see now..." Ferne said, scratching the back of her black and white ears with a slight frown on her face. She looked down at the small pile of supplies at her feet, "Two packs, two canteens, cooking utensils, extra clothes, sleeping mats,...

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Magnus Chronicles: Ancients Awakening: Chapter 3

The young Vulpkin closed her brown eyes and slowly drew in the crisp morning air. She stretched her arms out in the sunlight of the waking dawn, warming the black and white fur all over her body, lifting her spirits. Ferne could feel a strong presence...

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Magnus Chronicles: Ancients Awakening: Chapter 2

Early spring brought warm rains to the capital city of Argand, the heart and nerve center of the Mulobos Empire. It was a coastal city on the island of Mulobo, a megalopolis built as a testament to the architectural and engineering prowess of the fox...

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Magnus Chronicles: Ancients Awakening: Chapter 1

The small audience chamber of the Museum of Natural and Cultural History was mostly full. A half circle of stadium like seats all circumvented a round platform topped with a simple desk and projector. In the chamber sat scholars and students of...

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Magnus Chronicles: Ancients Awakening: Prologue

Amidst a barren landscape of ash, dusty winds and black lava rock, a father and two sons marched towards the very heart of their ancient homeland. They were Saurkin, the dinosaur people, a brutal race who valued honor and the strength of the warrior....

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Behind The Lens Character Profiles: Pt. 1

Originally tod started in the straight industry but when his childhood friend told him about the better pay in the gay industry, he was quick to move.

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Harem boys

I am hot property, i belong to the industry.  what a life i live.     i should tell you what i am; fully and who this industry is.

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BCI - Test Log Number 5

No, she had to stay focused, for the good of the test and the good of black crest industries!

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Military Doctrines and Attributes, and the Road to War

While they have expanded their industrial base as much as possible, that requires industrial capacity to be taken from military production and everyone else has done the same.

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College Freshfox

Below the light industry section comes the heavy industry section, where the habitat manufactures its spare parts, robots, vehicles, containers and such.

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