Zion - LotNM Character Prologue (Bahrla Splithoof)

The weasel went to intercept the cloaked figure, but bahrla quickly grabbed hold of his tail and yanked him back. "ow! damn it!"

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All Our Sins Remembered - Introduction

"cruisers are disgorging fighters - twelve - no...fifteen fighter craft, cruisers moving to intercept." lt.

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Void Incursions Chapter 2: Arrival

Right before she shutdown some of her unused arrays, she was forced to reprioritize them to intercept and decrypt a standard military com signal and identify its source.

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A New Life in a New Body: Meeting Zeta Squad v2

He supplied the interception of the signal, three years ago though we gained the girl with a thousand recorded deaths to her name, who can see a way out of any situation using military force, sherri.

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Chapter 4: The Coming Storm

In a flash, swift was in position to block the attack, intercepting the scythe.

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[Draft] Star Wars: Right vs Easy - Deleated Scenes

"because the information was intercepted in a packet meant for the circle of syn," kajex replied darkly. "that puts it in _our_field.

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Pack Mentaility chapter 5

She queitly leaves and intercepts veli before she can catch her parents in an akward moment."come on pup. let's get you to bed." not her footsteps behind her she turns to she veli staring at her."what?" she asks. "you called me pup."

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Death's Hand

The two jets, eight white, shiny missiles hanging off of their sharp wings, rocketed off of the runway to intercept the intruder.

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The Lead Crown: Ch 5b, Convergence (Pt 3)

With almost surreal speed, umberto intercepted the shot with his shoulder-pauldron, knocking it aside from the crusader, which had been the intended target.

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Pandora's Templar - Chapter 13

As the _px'ro'pxs_ began to disperse, in order to undertake whatever task the _olo'eyktan_ had set for them, one of the clan's children - a little girl named sìlpey - intercepted one of them.

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Descent Ch 4 Pt1: An Invitation

We couldn't use a radio or any kind of communication device due to the possibility of interception, even a coded line was too risky.

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All Our Sin's Remembered

"cruisers are disgorging fighters - twelve - no...fifteen fighter craft, cruisers moving to intercept." lt.

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