Slimey Secrets

Upon inspection of the now illuminated wall, lucertola discovered that it was some sort of obelisk! etched upon the obelisk were words written in "hissin", which was the ancient tongue of the lizellian race.

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The Beloved Pet Ch4

The seven of us were each fitted with a thick but relatively comfortable collar, which was attached to one of ten, eight foot tall obelisks, which were coated with a slick substance to prevent climbing.

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The Mission of Voyager 3

They turned and walked away from the obelisk. away from the piece of metal, with the writing they did not understand. the writing, that when copied looks to say _voyager 3_.


Everwinter Ch42 & Epilogue: Cycle of Life

Robert tried to glance back, but his attention stayed focused on the obelisk as something began to happen. the vortex within the obelisk began to shudder, and the arcs that supported it grew wild.

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Grace and Desire (Side-Story)

The sighed quietly and watched sitkamose, their supposed leader, bend over to look more closely at the obelisk in front of her.

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Everwinter Ch34: Benefits of Reuse

The green glow stung in the eyes and doros raised his hand while the ground began to shake and clouds of dust were shaken loose from the obelisk. the now glowing obelisk began to pulse and doros felt a strange sensation grow in his chest.

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Training Accident

They got brighter until they shone the pillars around them and revealed that they were ancient lettering on a series of obelisks. "what in the heck is this?" said milly.

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Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 100: After This World (The Dawn Of Civilization VII)

The eight obelisks are illuminating! i would suggest we retreat to a safe distance.\*** "negative." the mongoose boy said to the automated assistant. "corbin what are you doing?!" arugula asked.

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Chapter 9

The scientists discovered that the obelisk emitted some sort of signal that was designed to reanimate the dead somehow. by that point it was too late and the undead started to attack.

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New Year's Evil in Obelisk Cove

Everyone has a good laugh at that as they leave the café and take a yacht from obelisk to the mouth of madness.

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Bright Eyes: Alex and Morgan

Removing the lid revealed two small onyx obelisks resting inside. he took one obelisk in each paw and placed them parallel to each other on the far side of the bed.

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