Love is Love (2700words)

Silver spoke first, "horse radish restaurant?" chris thought for a moment, "no, somewhere further away. not where we know everypony! that bistro on the edge of town where thingy's birthday was."


Slut of the Wild: Link's Awakening

He remembered his back against a tree while a silver lizalfos fucked him, the monster's tongue in his mouth and pressing down his throat while link sucked on it and tears of pleasure ran down his face as the silver tried to smack his fat, hearty radish sized

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{commission} The Key and the Keeper

"we should plant radishes this year" alice's dad said as he took a drink of orange juice.

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Red Dawgs: The Fox and the Farmboys (Collab with Moxyhot)

He asked embarrassed his face beat red like a radish. "me, oh i'm nobody to be concerned about just a stray dog out for an evening stroll that's all." the raspy voice responded eyeing tod from the darkness. "i ...i...this isn't what it looks like!"

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Red Dawgs: The Fox and the Farmboys

He asked embarrassed his face beat red like a radish. "me, oh i'm nobody to be concerned about just a stray dog out for an evening stroll that's all." the raspy voice responded eyeing tod from the darkness. "i ...i...this isn't what it looks like!"

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She was shifting a radish like thing between her hands when her friend, noekakatu, called to her from behind the counter. she hefted a crate onto the countertop,      "anea! hey, glad you made it. i was beginning to think you got trampled."    

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Part Five

It looked like a perfect jewel of a carrot about the size of a radish, but vividly orange. mel smiled. "oh my, that is absolutely adorable!

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Holidays in Partridge Drums

He couldn't stand peppers, onions, or radishes, but he loved cucumbers. "your anniversary, how many years?" the sauce was excellent, a bit bland, but it was good enough for his tastes. "this would make it, what, honey, our second year?

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He grew tomatoes there, salad, red radish, strawberries and in one corner even a cherry tree laden with fruits had it's place. well, seems that i wouldn't need to visit a grocery store anytime soon.

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Chapter 24: A Whole Clowder of Cats

He selected one each of the peppers, radishes, and cucumbers and took a couple each of the leaves. he tried a bite of each component then took more of the kale and spinach, carefully avoiding the other contents.

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Victory for the Romantic Muse

Things you wouldn't touch by themselves, they go good in salads: turnips, radishes, green onions ... " " ... spinach," added jinx. "spinach? you don't like spinach?" wilco asked, blinking.

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Under the Polar Lights

Though he had two sons as well, he tended to think more about her as his son, for while the lads were alert and broad-shouldered, helping their mother attend to her little garden of peas, radishes and carrots, his daughter was a child of nature - much like

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