Ghostbusted - This Stream’s Gonna End in Mayhem

I mean, what would you have done with that redfurred ass all invitingly up in the air, hmh? dickwolf69: you think this counts as necrophilia? i mean, just asking. meanleanobsceneyeen: depends on whether those moans means he's into it.

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The Journey of Chloe Wintermane

My ears are very sensitive, but my nose more so, and when i padded past here returning from fetching this-and-that i smelled a lovely girl in the corridor, much younger than the redfur i well knew, yes, and the smell of sex off of her, no less!

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Young Crush

Wanna flatten a redfur?" jake, too, had blinked at rico's suggestion. 'he wants me to crush a fox? but... why? he's one himself...' but even as he inhaled to ask the question out loud, the coach's laughter answered it for him.

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Fanged Freedom

"no redfurs (( this is what she calls the empire )) have shown here, did they?" dipping his head, the bear looked back at the bird. "then why didn't you take her to a healer?" "becos they're turn-tails, is why!" a familiar shout thundered from behind.

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