Not So Retired Any More XXI

He wasn't sure, but it was an amusing game, something to alleviate the boredom of his de facto retirement from exciting work.

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Not So Retired Any More XX

#20 of not so retired any more chapter xx - higher ground aboard the air ambulance, buck laid flat on the gurney, his left leg held up by being braced on arlen's shoulder.

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Not So Retired Any More XIX

#19 of not so retired any more chapter xix - gavin had left the security office a few minutes after he last talked to his boss and psychotic battle-buddy, climbing up through the oversized vent systems used in the hospital.

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Not So Retired Any More XVIII

#18 of not so retired any more chapter xviii - sailing into the storm _great. hot chopper landing under sniper fire. in the fucking rain._ arlen held a paw over his eyes, trying to see through the sudden downpour.

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Not So Retired Any More XVII

#17 of not so retired any more chapter xvii - eyewall kiyosato dove through a doorway on the second floor of the hospital, coming up into a roll to fire his pilfered mp-5 as a pair of black-clad mercenaries stormed through the stairwell door behind


Not So Retired Any More XVI

#16 of not so retired any more chapter xvi - tornado the staccato reports of automatic fire behind them told kiyosato that their attackers had been delayed in the lobby, at least a moment.

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Not So Retired Any More XV

#15 of not so retired any more chapter xv - funnel descending getting in hadn't been tough.

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Not So Retired Any MOre XIV

#14 of not so retired any more chapter xiv - green sky nighttime in sao paolo in the middle of august was nearly as blazing-hot as daytime, and arlen was glad for his tiger heritage's good adaptation to tropical heat, especially because he'd

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Not So Retired Any More XIII

#13 of not so retired any more warning: porn and violence ahead! nobody under 18! chapter xiii - wild cards, calms and storms _sao paolo is amazing!

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Not So Retired Any More XII

#12 of not so retired any more hi everybody. trying to keep up my pace here, so i hope this doesn't seem rushed. be warned - violence, mention of rape, etc. chapter xii - the hunt _three am.

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Not So Retired Any More XI

#11 of not so retired any more chapter xi - cats and mice the last time they'd entered the favela, they'd been on a time limit.

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Not So Retired Any More X

#10 of not so retired any more hi everyone! this chapter contains more sex, towards the end, and more plot development towards the beginning and middle. minors - get ye gone, whelps! no sex for your eyes!

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